Introductions & Apologies

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  "Ok, ok, you two. We're here." Namjoon interrupts you and Jimin. You both were laughing at Jimin's attempt in charades. He was trying to mime snowboarding but failed miserably, resulting in you two laughing like maniacs.

  You immediately sit up from the plush minivan seat. "We are?" You ask, giddy. You look out and widen your eyes with understanding.

  A small, middle class house stands in a well kept neighborhood, it's lawn clean and pink paint new. The street is near a university that you can see just to the west of the house.

  The ingenuity of this area is impressive to you. To anyone, Raven would seem to be a group of university students in a house not too
far away.

  You are amazed at their headquarters because it's not at all what you thought it'd be.

  In fact, it's exactly what any gang would not look for. Most big Mafia gangs keep mansions in forests or luxurious condos or expensive penthouses. Not...a small and quite normal house in the middle of a lively area.

  Namjoon reads your expression and smirks before killing the engine. "Conspicuous, no doubt."

  You nod before hopping out of the black car which you now realize fits the theme of 'university students'. Jimin climbs out and jogs to the door while pulling out a key.

  "Grab your bag." Namjoon reminds you.

  "Oh, thanks!" You quickly take the white drawstring and follow the male up the front steps.

  "Hyungs! Tae, Kookie!" Jimin calls out as soon as he throws the door open. This boy has a thing for nicknames, you mentally note.

  You step inside and are greeted by a blast of warm, chocolaty air. You can hear the music of some video game as well as someone cursing loudly. Laughter drifts towards you along with childish whining.

  It is something you've always missed out on: a typical, normal home.

  "Namjoon? Are you back, too?" A silky voice calls out.

  "Hey, Jin Hyung. Yeah, can you come out into the living room for a minute?" Namjoon says back tiredly, even though it's only 4 in the afternoon.

  You follow Namjoon down a hallway decorated with tons of pictures and shelves with wooden pieces after putting your shoes on the rack next to the closet in front of the main door. Jimin ran off muttering something about 'Cheaters leveling up while I'm gone.'

  The hallway has three doors, two on the right and one on the left. It opens up into a spacious living room with couches and a low mahogany coffee table. Five multicolored Mario-themed beanbags lie in front of a huge TV displaying a split screen game of Mario Kart. Two boys with their backs to you are furiously tapping their controller's buttons, their body positions rigid. Jimin is standing behind them, intensely watching the screen.

  The living room is connected to an open kitchen, neat and clean with someone sitting on one of the three seats connected to the island.

  A tall, broad-shouldered man walks out from the pantry of the kitchen, near some stairs, holding a plate with rice and some sort of meat. He smiles when he sees Namjoon, but it drops slightly when he sees you.

  "Who..." his voice trails off  as his eyes widen in realization. "Is this...?" His question hangs in the air to which Jimin turns around and nods.

  "Come on, Jin Hyung. There's a lot to talk about." He says with big eyes.
  "So, that's Hoseok Oppa. And...John Kong...Oppa?" You ask hesitantly, pointing first at the beaming man and then the unamused bodybuilder guy.

  Jimin sniggers and Jin laughs an oddly satisfying laugh.

  "Let's start over!" Taehyung laughs and looks at you shyly, his brown eyes twinkling.

  You still can't look at him. Is it the guilt? The ashamed feeling you get when you look at his arm? Or...

  The happiness? The pleasure at seeing he who walks your thoughts?

  You clear your head and look at your crossed legs on the pretty white carpet. "Ok."

  This time, Namjoon points towards Jin. "That's Jin Hyung. He's the oldest and he kind of takes care of us all."

  "Kind of?" Jin glares from his spot on the couch.

  "Next is Y-Suga Hyung. You've met him." Namjoon points at the bored man lounging on the armrest playing with a ball of...yarn.

  Suga groans as he stretches. "From all you've told us, these guys are our new BFF's. It's alright." He looks at you pointedly for a few moments. "The name's Yoongi." He smirks.

  "H-hey." You manage to stutter before feeling your cheeks go pink.

  "Not even a 'Thanks for saving my sorry butt, Yoongi Hyung! Next time I won't shout stupid assumptions at you!'" Yoongi says sarcastically. Your pink evolves into a red.

  Namjoon clears his throat. "Well, next up is Hoseok Hyung. You'll understand his personality within seconds of being around him." Namjoon smiles at the already grinning man.

  Woah. You should've brought your SPF 10000000 because damn.

  "Then there's me! I guess I'm the leader of Raven, but I don't usually act authoritatively when not on missions." Namjoon smiles a little and you catch sight of his dimples.

  "Finally, we have the maknae line. First is Jimin-ah and you already know him!" Jimin waves from his spot across from you when Namjoon calls his name.

  "A little too much, maybe." Yoongi smirks and Jin sighs.

  "Here's Taehyung who you've met once before." Taehyung looks at you, waiting for your move.

  "Then there's Jungk-" Namjoon stops as you cut in. "Wait, please."

  "I deeply apologize for the actions of Elixis, Kim Taehyung." You get up and bow deeply before him. "What we did to you was and is wrong on many levels, especially since you were wrongly held. I should've stopped it and-" You are cut off as Taehyung grips your arms and straightens you.

  "It's okay, Mi Sun. It was never your fault. Any good Mafia member would've done the same. In fact, I'm sorry for hurting you." He says soothingly in his deep voice as everyone just watches quietly.

  "All's good! If we're cool then-" You start to ask.

  "No, we're not actually." Taehyung frowns and you worriedly back up. "You beat me up real good back in that alley. Like, really good. Do you know how long I was teased for that?" Taehyung chuckles and you laugh.

  "I'm glad that's cleared up!" Namjoon adds. "But we have one guy left. Sorry, Jungkook-ah. Mi Sun, meet Jungkook, our maknae."

  Still unamused, he glares at you. "How old are you?" He questions suspiciously.

  "Um, 19?"

  His already cute, big, brown doe eyes widen even more. "Oh my God, Oh my God! You're not my Noona!" He splutters.

  Jimin sighs. "Kookie is 19, too. And it will thrill him to not be younger than someone."

  "WOOHOO! I have an equal, haha!" Jungkook cheers. "We'll just call each other by our names, okay?"


  "But wait...I like Noona's..." He mumbles as everyone groans.

  ☆Keep scrolling lovely ;))

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