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  "Hm...I don't think that I want to have your hair straightened. Let's leave it in loose waves; I'll send you a picture of what I'm thinking!" Jin's voice is excited over the phone. You nod along before realizing he can't see you.

  Which probably is for the best. You look...well, not great. You are lounging on your sofa in comfy black shorts and a purple sports bra, a half-closed Stephen King novel in one hand and a bowl of Flaming Hot Cheetos in the other. Your phone is wedged between your ear and your shoulder, the cool metal nipping at your exposed skin.

  "I'd love that. I didn't really want to have my hair straightened, either. Such a hassle to make your hair look dead, anyway." You chuckle.

  "Hair is dead." Jin replies with a sigh.

  "Doesn't have to look like it." You reply cheekily, smiling as you look out the window into the bright morning sunlight.

  "Pabo, stop wasting time! The Summit Meet is tomorrow night, so you better be ready." Jin threatens.

  "Don't worry, I have my dress and makeup planned out. Everything will be perfect, Oppa. Elixis- er, Rav- uh, wait. What are we supposed to call ourselves? We aren't really Elixis or Raven anymore..." You trail off in thought.

  Jin hums in agreement, his surprise leaking through the phone. "We never thought of that. We also have to decide whether or not we will reveal our new 'joining' of the gangs. Let me talk to Joon and we can discuss it tomorrow. I have to go now, it's time to make Kookoo some lunch."

  You can't contain your snort. "Kookoo? Jungkook?"

  A pleasantly odd sound is your reply. It sounds like someone dragging rubber shoes on a marble floor, or windshield wipers. "There are just so many names to call him and it's probably the only creative thing Yoongs and I ever do."

  You don't doubt that one. You end the call and go back to reading, your mind not as focused on the words anymore.

  Is it a good idea to reveal that the Elixis and Raven have combined? The Mafia world thinks that the two top gangs are rivals with years of hatred and competition. It would seem way too strange that they would've made an alliance, much less combine.

  There would be too many questions, you decide. High tiers would get suspicious- worst comes to worst, all the hard work and effort put into the Mafia ploy would go down the drain and their real, noble intentions would be found out.

  "And we'd all die. The end." You mutter aloud. No, it would have to remain a secret.

  A sharp knock sounds on your door. "Yah, let me in." The voice is laced with irritation but you pick up the happy undertones.

  "Shit." You groan. You forgot Yoongi would be coming over today.

  You leave your things on the couch and run to your room to grab your robe. You slip on the soft purple cashmere piece before rushing back to the door and unlocking it, forgetting to tie the front. There stands a smiling Yoongi, black and violet hair fluffy as he runs a hand through it. As you absorb his look, black jeans and a white sweater, he catches a full glimpse of you.

  "You made me stand for so long-" his whining cuts off as his dark eyes widen slightly to betray his surprise, a corner of his mouth curling up. "Nevermind." He purrs. "I'll wait for as long as need be if this is my reward for being a good boy." He lets his pink tongue pass over his supple lower lip in a languid manner and you try not to have your eyes follow its path.

  "Reward?" You splutter, tying the front of the robe tightly in a quick motion, not missing Yoongi's disappointment. "If that little wait makes you expect a reward, I'll give you a punishment for whining next time." You wink at him before opening the door fully.

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