Pillows and Pleadings

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  Of course the boys had thought building a massive pillow fort for everyone to sleep in at 3:30 AM was a good idea.

  You're so glad you guys aren't living in an apartment complex, or else you'd have been kicked out ages ago.

  As you drape the last mauve blanket over some chairs, you step back, twisting to crack your back with a loud pop and admire your work.

  You're not gonna lie, it looks pretty epic.

  Namjoon and Jungkook had set to work mapping out a structural support for the blankets, using chairs to form a large octagon in the living room and incorporating the curtain poles and couch to strategically include the TV inside. Meanwhile, Taehyung, Hoseok and Jimin had taken the task of collecting a bunch of fluffy blankets and pillows to fill the inside with, along with a low wooden table and some baskets for snack storage. You and Yoongi had grabbed the food and drinks, stocking up the fort and making sure everything had a place. Then, while Jin slept inside, everyone put the finishing touches on the exterior with some blankets and fairy lights.

  You smile at the masterpiece, happy with the soft colors and large area. As Jimin flips the switch, darkness floods in, shying away only from the twinkling lights that cast a pretty glow in the room. Everyone crawls in through the entrance flap, already changed into night clothes.

  The boys went for plain cotton shirts and bottoms, while you decided to go with a set of lilac silk pyjamas and a thick, fluffy robe on top. Cozy and comfortable, everyone snuggles into a spot in the big area.

  You take the corner next to Taehyung, back nestled against the sofa and wall. The other boys spread out, some sitting and some laying flat on the soft carpet. Jin, wrapped in a dozen blankets, is gently snoring away near Yoongi, the latter already struggling to keep his eyes open in the warm air. The couch, which Namjoon included in the fort, is left empty for you to sleep on later.

  He was not about to let me sleep on the floor, especially since the guys will be here, you think with a soft smile, enjoying his caring side.

  "What movie should we watch?" Jungkook whispers excitedly, doe eyes devoid of any lethargy.

  Well, we did wake up at 8 PM...so we've only technically been up for 7 and half hours, you muse. Then why do I feel ready to collapse and sleep forever?

  Apparently, a lot of the members share the same thought. A series of low groans sound out, raspy voices saying they don't want the light or sound to disturb their peace.

  You watch as Jungkook's face deflates, his mouth turning down as his shoulders slump. "B-But we built the fort so we could have fun."

  You manage a lazy smile at his cute expression, half-lidded violet eyes heavy with the drowsiness that accompanies comfort.

  "Sleep is fun. Sleep is everything," Yoongi mumbles before flopping onto the floor and curling around a pillow, a blanket pulled over his head.

  You nod in agreement, snuggling closer to Taehyung, who already has fallen asleep. You rest your head on his shoulder, releasing a content sigh when his large hand comes to rest gently near your thigh.

  "Hyung," the unsatisfied muscle man persists with a pout, painfully making one of your eyes drag open.

  "Kook-ah," Namjoon rumbles from his spot, tone gentle yet firm. "We're all too tired right now. Let's just have a nap and then we can watch later, right guys?"

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