Clues & Trails

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Yoongi's POV

  I walk around the dark, abandoned warehouse, looking desperately for any clues. Jungkook is trying to find a light switch so we can actually see what went down.

  Namjoon is wandering over by a pile of crates, his hand clutching a gun- just like my own. I let my finger rest loosely on the trigger, warily making my way over to a large conveyor belt that is located directly in the center of the first floor. Letting out a huff, I drop onto the belt glad that I didn't trip on any potential bodies.

  Not that any gang is stupid enough to leave bodies, I chuckle to myself.

  "Ah! Found it!" The maknae's voice comes distantly. A large click is heard before the warehouse is bathed with a soft glow, coming from overhanging tube lights. Immediately, Namjoon curses loudly. I turn my head towards where he is, slightly hidden behind a pile of crates.

  "Over here. I think I just found our first clue." His voice comes, but I frown at the hesitancy in it.

  I make to get up and feel my black jeans stick to the belt. I pull away, curious, as I hear a squelch. As I reach back to touch where it got stuck, I look down at where I was sitting and freeze.

  My face goes numb as I gaze at a pool of tacky, slightly dried blood. My pulse quickens at the thought of who's it might be.

  "Yoongi Hyung!" Jungkook calls over from where Namjoon is. "This is important!"

  "I found something important, too!" I call back, unable to rip my gaze from the viscous blood. I then notice a wooden plank dropped on the other side of the belt, looking to be hastily hidden.

  Without handling it, I inspect it to see its end stained a dark crimson, the one nail protruding wrapped in a couple hairs stuck together by blood, the color unknown. Steeling myself, I take out a latex glove and slip it on before carefully picking up the plank.

  "I'm coming." I call out and make my way over to their hushed talking. "What did you find, Joon?"

  I stop in my tracks as I take in the scene in front of me with a clenched jaw.

  Two bloody knives are on the floor with the crate in front of them bearing two ragged holes. The wood is splattered with blood, the adjacent wall similar in color. We all stay quiet for a moment, knowing what the scene must have been like. We've been in the Mafia long enough.

  I dig my nails into the palm of my hand in controlled rage. It better not have been her here, with knives in her. They better not have dared.

  I feel a large, warm hand on my shoulder. "Hyung, what did you find?"

  I lift up the board and Jungkook's eyebrows go up. He puts on a pair of gloves and takes the evidence from me, inspecting it.

  "Ah, yes!" He cheers.

  "Found something, Kook?" Namjoon asks, getting up from his crouched position near the knives.

  "Yeah- there is hair on the board. I can easily get the DNA tested to see if it was Mi Sun's. Same with the blood." He says eagerly.

  "No need," I pick up one of the knives after observing them. "This is Mi Sun's knife. Look at the blade." They both lean in to examine the carving on the silver metal.

  An intricately designed 'E', along with her name.

  "I'm a 100% sure that she wasn't the victim in this particular scene." I softly smile at the thought of her fierceness.

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