Plotting & Melting

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"What do you want to do first?" Taehyung asks you as he jumps up and down on his beanbag. Hoseok and Jimin are in the kitchen preparing light snacks. Namjoon is dropping Jin off at the Raven HQ and Yoongi is sleeping before the activities planned for the evening.

Now you, Jungkook and Taehyung are deciding what to do. You feel really comfortable sitting amongst them; they give you a sense of calm and positivity.

"Hmm. Maybe we can play cards or a board game or something before dinner? And then afterwards..." You ponder.

"We can watch a movie! Like Avengers: Endgame! I've been dying to see that." Jungkook offers excitedly.

"We could play party games like Would You Rather or Truth or Dare." Taehyung adds. Your face goes ashen at the last idea.

"M-maybe we stick with Endgame for now. Is that cool?" You try and ask nonchalantly.

The two nod. "Let's stick in some video gaming, too. Do you play Overwatch?" Jungkook smiles.

"Once or twice, but I'm more of COD girl." You relax again.

"Game on!" The boys cheer.
"Argh, go left, Jungkook! I'll flank from the right. Taehyung, get in the doorway and use your H.I.V.E's!" You command as you tap your PS4 controller fiercely.

"Damn it, that stupid sniper AI got me." Jungkook groans.

Taehyung laughs before he leans forwards and scans the screen. "I have RAPS and Cerberus ready. This game is ours. Deploying in 3, 2, 1...and No! No, no!" He shrieks.

"He died! Quick, cover the entrance before they get the control poi-" Jungkook begins before flopping his remote down on the carpet with a thud and crossing his arms.

You and Taehyung sigh simultaneously as three words flash across the screen.


"Wanna play another round?" Taehyung offers.

"No, you guys go ahead. I'm going to head over to the kitchen and see if Jimin and Hoseok Oppa need help. If that's OK with you guys, of course." You half-rise from your place on the couch.

The two boys nod quickly before concentrating on the TV screen again.

Taehyung had asked you to drop the honorifics and call him simply by his name, which you agreed to. You still have to talk to Jimin about what to call him...

You pad across the carpet and fix your hair as you make your way to
the kitchen.

Hoseok is arranging mini chocolate donuts on a plate and Jimin is struggling to reach the packet of Mars bars from the pantry's top shelf.

"Here, let me try." You gently push him to the side and reach up. You stand on your tiptoes and strain your fingers upwards but they only whisper past the packet. You feel your shirt rise up your stomach and hands tremble from effort.

Alas, you are too short.

Jimin snickers when you can't reach it either and then joins you. Both of you now stand shoulder to shoulder, hands straining and feet raised.

You hear a loud laugh behind you. "Don't despair, midgets, your Hope is here!"

You turn and see Hoseok reach up behind you, his warm chest against your small back. He plucks the shiny packet from the shelf and steps away with a bright smile- almost as bright as your cheeks.

You look at Jimin, expecting a comeback, but instead see a sour expression that dissolves when he sees you looking.

"That's the snacks. Let's go get Hyung, and I'll show you around." Jimin hurriedly tugs you away.

You wave at the left behind boy. "Be right back, Hoseok Oppa!" He perks up at the use of honorifics but you feel Jimin tighten his grip on your hand.

He pulls you up half the stairs before letting you go with red cheeks. "U-um, want to come wake up Yoongi Hyung? It's an...experience."

You nod in fascination.

The two of you creep into the hallway and slowly open
the first door.

The hinges don't creak as you and Jimin sneak inside the dark room. You can just make out a figure lying on the bed in a swaddle of blankets.

You proceed to stealthily make your way over to the target, but Jimin has other plans.

He flicks the switch next to the door and the room is bathed with light. Wincing, you turn and give him a 'What the heck' look. He just shrugs before prancing up to Yoongi.

He pulls the blankets off the older and smiles. "Hyungie! Time to play wi-"

His cute voice is cut off as a half-naked Yoongi thrusts out a hand from his spot on the bed and clamps it over Jimin's mouth.

Yoongi rises in all his glory, clad only in a pair of Calvin's, his face a raging storm.

"Why," he breathes in deeply, "the f-" He seems to notice your presence now behind him. He blinks, fully awake.

"O-oh, Mi Sun." He stutters cutely as he flushes a red looking at your wide eyes.

You can't stop staring at him. His lean, well built body shines in the light. His pale, milky skin burns your eyes. His muscles are like marble, carved firmly and artisticly into his skin to make him ethereal. His beauty is that of the moon's.

Yoongi snaps back into his personality and let's go of Jimin. "Sorry, Jimin-ah. I didn't see who it was." Yoongi cooes. Jimin sighs with a smile.

"It's ok, Hyungie! He does this almost everyday." He explains to you.

Yoongi fixes his cool stare on you. "Well? What were you doing here?"

"Uh..." You mutter.

"Snacks! And games! We wanted to call you down since we are about to start." Jimin saves you.

"Get down, then. I'll change and be right there. Unless," Yoongi looks at you with a smirk, "I shouldn't, since I seem to be the snack here."

You melt into a steaming, bright red puddle of embarrassment. "Ah! Don- do change! Let's go, Jimin. See you, Yoongi Oppa." You rush out of the dark, steamy room with Jimin in tow.

It's only been two or three hours. How will the rest of the night go?

Sorry for not updating my exams are happening! Here's a double update for you baes!

-SugaKookies05 ♡

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