Songs & Wrongs

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  You tap your fingers on the wheel, matching the rythm to the one playing in your head. The soft glow of an occasional light creeps through the open window, the darkness of the night peaceful as you drive down the empty street. It's just another half hour till you reach Gosan-Ri and track down your father's partner. He hid well and tried to play dead, but he can't escape you...he can't escape the consequences of his creation.

  A small hum followed by a snort takes your attention away from your thoughts and to the middle row. Namjoon had taken your previous position and is now lying across the seats, cuddled by Taehyung and Jimin. In the back, Hoseok had finally put his computer down and taken a rest, leaning against Jin's shoulder who has Jungkook's head on his other shoulder.

  Your lips pull into a small smile, a warm happiness sprouting in you as you take in the sight of the boys peacefully sleeping. You look to your right, scanning the last boy's face as he quietly sleeps in shotgun, eyes hidden by a curtain of fluffy hair. Your smile grows as you watch his little button nose twitch, mouth pulled into a line, cheeks round and squishy. You look back at the road, not wanting to kill all eight of them before the main strike.

  "What're you smiling about?" a quiet voice asks, a mumble that you just manage to hear. Your head snaps to the right side again, knowing he is awake despite his closed eyes.

  "Don't you figure we should smile while we have a reason to?" As soon as the words come out, you realize they're more somber than you meant for them to be.

  Your smile falters as you think about this moment. In a handful of minutes, you'll be facing the creator of Thanatos; in a couple of days you'll potentially be holding the Cure and having your final stand against David Burke. So many things can go wrong. So many mistakes can be made. Who will be the real victor at the end of this struggle that's played out over the course of three decades?

  "Hey," Yoongi says, sitting up slowly. "Don't overthink this. What happens will happen. Our job is to keep pushing, okay?"

  You force yourself to be put at ease by his words and focus back onto the rough, empty road ahead, tracing the outline of upcoming mountains with your eyes.

  "And thanks for taking over, but I can drive now," the male adds, stretching his limbs with a soft grunt.

  You shake your head. "You've driven for long enough. I'll handle these last minutes. In the mean time, you can entertain me!"

  Yoongi raises a brow, a smile pulling at his lips. "Entertain? What, should I dance for you?"

  You giggle, imagining the elder dancing. "How about we sing?"

  He immediately shakes his head, ducking to hide the red on his face. "I- no, I can't sing," he mutters.

  You nudge him lightly. "Neither can I. We'll be the Disastrous Duo. Now, pick a song."

  He goes to shake his head again but when he sees your pleading eyes, he sighs and gives in. " about Grenade?" he suggests almost shyly, tone low so only you hear.

  You immediately grin, nostalgia filling you as you remember your young- and still present- love for the legendary musician and his iconic hits. "My, my, my. You can't get any greater, can you, Oppa?"

  He smirks. "We'll see. Oh, let me pull up the music," he says as he starts scrolling through his phone, stopping at the familiar title.

  The music surrounds the car, your happiness dominating your self consciousness as you sing along.

  "Easy come, easy go," you start, praying that your voice won't crack.

  "That's just how you live, oh," Yoongi mumbles, not putting his heart into it as his face reddens.

  You sigh and decide to help him have fun. "Take, take, take it all, but you never give," you croon, shoving your embarrassment aside.

  Yoongi laughs, relaxing a bit. "Should have known you was trouble from the first kiss," he sings again, this time some life trickling into his words.

  This time the two of you sing together, goofy grins on your face. "Had your eyes wide open," you face each other, comically widening your eyes. "Why were they open?"

  "Ooh!" A high note comes from the back and in the rearview mirror you see Jimin laughing.

  You and Yoongi burst into laughter, too, waking up the rest of the boys.

  "Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash," you continue, laughing in between words as you see the groggy boys looking at you like you're crazy.

  "You tossed it in the trash, you did," Yoongi all but yells, screwing his eyes shut as his lips pull into a gummy smile.

  The music starts to peak and you refrain from dancing. "To give me all your love is all I ever ask," you sing, wincing as you hear your voice fail you.

  Jimin quickly picks up the line, his body wiggling in his seat to the music. "'Cause what you don't understand is..."

  "I'd catch a grenade for ya!" the three of you belt together. "Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

  Jungkook's voice joins in, his drowsiness fading away. "Throw my hand on a blade for ya!"

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah!" The four of you sing together.

  "I'd jump in front of a train for ya," Jin enthusiastically chimes in, showing off his powerful vocals.

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah," Taehyung murmurs with the five of you, still sleepy.

  "You know I'd do anything for ya," Hoseok sings and dances in his seat, laughing.

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah," the seven of you all sing together.

  "Tree!" Namjoon suddenly shouts.

  "Huh? That's not the lyrics, Hyu- tree!" Jimin screams.

  Your eyes almost pop out of their sockets as you focus on the road, mouth opening in a yelp as you twist the wheel, dodging the large tree you were about to crash into. Everyone yells as the music continues playing, the smooth pop not very complementary to your vehicle shooting down the road before skidding to a halt.

  The eight of you take a moment to breathe, shock decorating everyone's faces as the elder males clutch their hearts, sleep long gone.

  After a couple of seconds, you look out the window and shakily laugh. "We have arrived at our destination."

  "But darling I'd still catch a grenade for ya," the music plays.

☆Hey guys! This was a more fun chapter and I really enjoyed writing it lol,,,I reallyyy love this song and Bruno is...he's everything XD

  Which songs did you hear as a kid?

  Also, I'm working on a new book ;) it's a BTS fic, but I guarantee it's not one you've yet seen (I'm SO excited for it but I wanna keep it a surprise). Keep your eyes peeled...I might drop a teaser in an update soon!

  Anyway, stay safe and smile! Till next time~


  -SugaKookies05 ♡

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