Crash & Slash

337 22 2

  You flinch at the rough, low voice and whip around, a strangled cry choking your throat once you see who it is.

  A man stands a couple steps behind you, dressed in all black with a dark grin pulling at his lips. The chill that runs down your spine when you meet his cold black eyes is worsened when you catch sight of the cold pistol clenched in his hand. The old scar across his face is reopened, fresh, viscous crimson gruesomely painting the face that makes your blood boil.


  "Well, well. The little girl can't even notice when she's being tailed. Pity, I was hoping for some fun," he sneers, orange hair like a dying flame in the afternoon's blazing sun.

  You grit your teeth, stepping forwards despite the steel muzzle aimed straight at you. "Bold of you to assume I didn't," you bluff.

  He cocks an eyebrow and several armed, muscular men step smoothly out from behind the houses and flank him. "Did you now? Well, boys, I guess we should surrender now before she hurts us," he mocks you, a glint in his eye as his finger tightens on the trigger guard.

  Large hands wrap around your arms firmly and yank you behind a wall as a gunshot fires into the empty air you occupied a second ago. "Go, quick, through the door and out the back and get to the car, now!" Namjoon orders, pushing you roughly towards a hut's entrance.

  Wide-eyed, you nod and sprint inside, initial anger gone as shock and fear numbs you. You are so stupid. You didn't even notice Silver Moon tailing you. Now Gyeong is here and he'll kill you as soon as he gets the chance, and the whole plan might collapse-

  "Mi Sun, snap out of it! We have to go, now! This is no one's fault, so move!" Yoongi snarls in your ear from where you faltered by the back door. You quickly rush outside, ducking as shots ring out, wincing at the screams of the villagers.

  You look up and see Jimin and Hoseok sprinting across the stretch of open ground, bullets skimming past them. Behind you, Yoongi pulls out his own rifle and fires back, two groans sounding out in success.

  Your mind clicks into it's hardened version as you grab your own handgun and shoot a couple shots at the men racing after you. You catch a glimpse of one go down, blood spurting from his calf before a stinging pain on your arm causes a rush of adrenaline; you sprint as hard as you can, aware that the bullet that grazed your arm could've easily lodged into it.

  Your heartbeat soars, mind racing as your muscles tighten. You can't risk looking back so you just desperately hope that the rest of the boys are behind you. You finally make it up the first hill and slide down the grassy slope, sheltered from the bullets.
  Ahead, Jimin is almost at the car. You spare a quick glance over your shoulder and breathe deeply with relief when you see the other five heads of hair bobbing up and down, running for their lives from the sudden ambush.

  Your throat closes a second later when you see the dozen men chasing them, accompanied by three of the newest all-terrain quad bikes that you didn't expect them to have. A gasp leaves your lips as the powerful engines roar, the bikers smirk's evident even from under their crystal blue helmets as they catch up to your running figures.

  Quickly thinking, you stop running and roll to the left, taking cover by a rock. A couple moments pass, your heart thumping so hard you're afraid it'll rip through your chest, before the first of the boys races past you. Jungkook. Barely a second later, Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung and finally Yoongi rush by, the two eldest firing shots at the men behind them.

  You take a quick peek over the rock, certain no one saw you, and see that roughly three quarters of the men remain. A deep rumble makes you duck back behind the rock, swallowing hard to keep the fear at bay, pushing it down and away as you've grown accustomed to doing.

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