Silence & Atramentum

511 23 13

  The brisk walk to the parking area is informative, to say the least. The cold night air whipping through your hair and slashing at your face only adds to the mood. The quiet darkness is pure and fully present, making you almost unable to see the ground in front of you. The streetlights are long-gone, no light casting shadows, so the only shadows are living beings moving, keeping in mind the fact that any being out at this time has everything and nothing about life in mind.

  All in all, it is an opportunity, a blessing, a chance; a time when life stands still and Fairness looks the other way. Some refer to such a time as the Witching Hour, but that is for the supernatural, the unheard of. This is a time purely for mankind, where evil can come out to play in its simplest form.

  But this is also the time that you and Namjoon planned to use to your advantage.

  You, Dae-Jung and Sarah hide near the entrance to the parking area, already having counted the cars. There are four- one for Elixis, two for Raven and one for Silver Moon.

  You feel a slight buzz in your ear, the tiny device lodged in there coming to life. "They have left the arena. Watch out, they should arrive soon," Namjoon's voice comes from the earpiece.

  "Gotcha," you reply. You give a quick nod to your two members who are waiting expectantly. The three of you are barely visible in the dark, clothes changed into comfortable black bodysuits.

  The plan is simple, really.

  First, wait for Silver Moon to leave after delaying them secretly until everyone is gone. By then, you, Dae-Jung and Sarah will be positioned in the parking lot to intercept the gang when they come for their car. After they are captured and sedated, the three of you will bring them to the decided location where you will meet up with the boys.

  Now, stilling your breathing, you crouch behind one of the concrete pillars, the darkness shrouding you. You hear a couple pairs of footsteps coming your way, the soft thuds accompanied by pieces of conversation.

  You make eye contact with Dae-Jung, who is positioned behind another pillar in front of you, on the other side of the entrance. You turn your head to see Sarah clutching a couple syringes, her chocolatey brown eyes meeting yours from her spot behind a car.

  The footsteps are even closer. You can make out the voices now.

  "But do we have to? Gyeong said-"

  "I don't care what that prick said! I say we go for it. I know David, and he would appreciate this."

  "How did you find out, Kwang?"

  "Pah, simple. I threatened some gym instructor and he gave me the address."

  "But didn't David have a plan for her, Choi?"

  "That's not definite!"

  The voices suddenly stop bickering. One whispers lowly but you are able to hear him faintly, the words making the hair on your neck stand straight.

  "Yah, Pilsoo, that's Elixis' car. Didn't they already lea-"

  You click your tongue in annoyance at your simple mistake. You jump out of your spot at the same moment and tackle the speaker before another word comes out. He lets out a surprised grunt as his three companions immediately pull out their weapons, the 'leader' startled and slow. In the corner of your eye, you see Dae-Jung following your lead and attacking.

  You slip your knife out before rolling off of him quickly, his knee coming up only to meet air. He snarls at you and kicks at your feet, hand reaching for his gun that skid a couple feet away from his position on the concrete floor. You jump to avoid his feet and roll in the air to land on his hand, a gunshot whizzing past you, digging your heels into the bone, grinning when you hear the satisfying snap.

  The man screams, pulling a small knife out and slashing your calf, the metal whizzing and glinting in the light of the moon. You hiss as the blade leaves a gash, stomping on his broken hand before elbowing his face. You shove your knee into his stomach and in a quick, precise movement, slice his Achilles tendon on his left foot. He chokes, a strangled cry leaving his lips as his eyes bulge at the searing pain.

  You raise your eyebrows, surprised as a happy smile adorns your face, your hands wet and coated with crimson. In this darkness where you can barely see, you're proud of your accuracy.

  Another bullet zooms past you, nicking your ear. You replace the smile with a laugh, turning to see a lanky man clutching his gun with shaking hands.

  "My, I didn't know Silver Moon recruited weaklings," you sneer, shaking your head in disgust. "Call yourself a man, do you? You freaking missed me while I was standing still, you pathetic wimp."

  "Calling me a sissy?" The guy squeaks out.

  You shrug, a glint in your eye. "Maybe."

  He blinks, unsure of what to do next. You sigh, walking towards him as he watches you with wide, nervous eyes. You take out the beautifully crafted brass knuckles that Dae-Jung gifted you all that time ago, slipping them on behind your back.

  "Normally I'd kill you, sweetie, and you'd scream and bleed and die. But I need you today. Isn't that wonderful?" You smile brightly at him.

  He trembles in response, forgetting that he is the one with the firearm. You stroll even closer, your nose only a hair's width away from his as your steely eyes look down into his panicked ones.

  "I think it is. There's not as much of a mess to clean up," you continue and knock him out with a sharp jab to the side of his head, making sure the metal didn't kill him. He crumples like a pastry as Dae-Jung walks over to you.

  "That wasn't fun."

  You sigh. "Cut them some slack. It's hard not to be intimidated when you see my face," you laugh.

  He smiles softly as Sarah makes her way over to the two of you.

  "I've injected them all. The one guy who was screaming like Michael Scott was a bit harder, though," she grins. "I don't blame him...that wound looked painful."

  You shrug. "It's a good weak point. Bonus points if you know why it's called the Achilles tendon."

  Dae-Jung sighs again. "Poor guy won't walk again from that one."

  "I know," you snicker.

  "Let's get these boys to the alley. Time to load them up." Dae-Jung hoists the nearest unconcious man over his shoulder and brings him to Elixis' car. He drops him roughly on the ground before opening the trunk.

  You start lugging them one by one into the trunk of the car with your second, leaving faint trails of scarlet smears on the floor.

  "Sarah," you snap your fingers and point towards the stains.

  Once the blood is cleaned and the men are secured in the car, Elixis rolls out of the concrete jungle, wheels gliding silently away from the abduction site.

  Oh, how the tables have turned.

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