Pain & Potential

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  Groaning, you lift your face, pain stabbing through the back of your head.  You taste something metallic in your mouth and spit out crimson blood. You realize you're wearing a simple, long sleeved white shirt and white pants.

  Head spinning, you try to get up but find all of your limbs restrained. You struggle to remain conscious and focus on your surroundings.

  You are bound to a metal pole, wrists and ankles tied tightly with rough, scratchy rope. You turn your head sharply to see where you are and hit your head on the metal.

  Wincing, you look around the room
you are in. It's made of concrete, solid and plain. As much as you can see, there is no door.

  You sag, legs aching from standing forcefully long?

  All you remember is fighting the man on the conveyor belt...and then getting knocked out.

The man who knocked you out...the guys you were fighting...they are the gang David is supplying. David...

  Is David here?!

  You feel panic rising in your chest. No one has actually seen him. Or lived to. You grunt and clear your thoughts.

  "Just find a way out, find a way out..." you mumble.

  You wriggle your hands, testing the rope. Not going to budge. But, it can be cut.

  Suddenly, you hear a door open loudly behind you. You force yourself to still, smothering your fear and encouraging your sharp senses. You can't see as footsteps sound behind you, coming closer with a sharp tapping sound.

  The cold of the floor isn't the only thing that sends chills down your spine as one of the men smiles at you.


  You repress the urge to claw his face and slowly rip him to shreds for what he has done.

  "What a pleasant surprise to see you here, Black Dove." His voice grates into the silence and you grit your teeth.

  "You look well, considering all that's happened." He continues and paces around you slowly.

  "Did it hurt?" He asks, pausing in front of your face. He squats down to come eye-to-eye with you. His cold, grey eyes meet yours. "When I took your everything?"

  You bite your tongue so hard that blood spills, unheard and quiet.

  "When I," Gyeong plays with your hair, leaning to your ear. "Killed him?" He whispers.

  Don't break don't break don't break don't break don't-

  "When I killed Junseo?"

  Break him break him break him break him.

  You breathe in the cool air. "Don't speak his name." Your voice is rough and raw.

  Gyeong laughs. "You think you can talk to me? Tell me what to say? Boys, go ahead. Put her in her place for when I talk to her next."

  The other two men you hadn't notice step forwards. Their muscles ripple and they adorn sickening smiles.

  "I have been waiting for this moment ever since I first saw you." Gyeong says quietly before leaving the room.

  You turn your face upwards and set your mouth in a firm line.

  It takes so much effort, so much effort to not cry. To not be afraid. To look them in the eye. But you do it. You do it because you have to, you chose to.

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