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  "The President and Prime Minister are dead," Namjoon announces, eyes challenging as thousands of news reporters thrust cameras in his face whilst also cowering away. "The people of power have lost their hold on South Korea, and I, Kim Namjoon, am stepping up to claim the reigns."

  "It is rumored you are one of the Mafia, who killed the President and Minister!" a brave voice speaks out. "Is it true? What will you do to the country!?"

  Namjoon raises his chin, the sun shining strongly on his determined face. "This country will never speak of the Mafia again. It is history, and we will leave it behind. As to what I will do, I hope I will do a lot. This country needs to be cared for and nurtured back to a home for millions- a home that is safe, a home that is clean, a home that is warm. This is my mission, and I dare anyone in this world to take it from me," he announces powerfully.

  "From this moment, Kim Namjoon is declared the President of South Korea!" Countless reporters shout the sentence into their cameras, alerting the country of the change in power.

  "And the new Prime Minister? Who is that?" another calls.

  Namjoon turns to you with a smile. "Your Prime Minister will be unknown by name, but not by action. She will serve you well alongside me, I can promise you that."

  As the building explodes in questions and disbelief, the two of you exit through the back with your security.

  "We did it, Joon Oppa," you breathe as you step out into the daylight, smiling behind your mask. "We did it."

  He looks at you with warmth, nodding. "Your family will be proud of you. Jae Hwa will be proud of you."

  You look down. The pain has dimmed in the months since the fateful night, but it has made you stronger than you will ever be. You look up, dark hair lifting in the breeze. "You're the one to be proud of. Thank you for everything, Oppa."

  He gives you a tight hug. "Don't thank me yet. We still have a long way to go. The whole Mafia will be after us," he says with a chuckle.

  You smirk. "They can come. We'll be waiting."

  "Hurry up, you slugs!" A car screeches to a halt in front of the two of you as the back door opens. Jungkook pokes his head out with a grin. "Hyung, you looked older in your suit- almost as old as Jin Hyung."


  A laugh escapes your lips, loud and joyful as the sun shines brightly on the new era ahead.

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