Chance & Practice

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  "Excuse me?" The angel's mouth turns down into a frown, his eyes narrow and you see his hands drop slightly in confusion at the sound of the nickname you chose for him.

  "What?" You look at him in mimicked confusion but your eyes don't rest on him. Instead, they dart around looking for other possible Raven members.

  "What in Kumamon did you call me?" His voice dripping with malice.

  "Wha- you are the Raven guy I talked to in the alley, right?" You question suspiciously, deciding to ignore his slightly concerning choice of words.

  "Shut up!" He furiously hisses before dragging you away. Upon the worried look from a passing lady, he wraps his arm tightly around your waist and pulls you close. You try not to look terrified as you feel the unnoticed muscles of his arms against you and the sheer power he has over you right now.

  "Uh...jagi, why don't we try another cake if you don't like this one, hmm?" His voice immediately changes into a sophisticated and smooth one, his eyes now playful and his demeanor relaxed and loving. He flashes you a adorable smile and you can't decide whether to shriek or swoon from this second face of his.

  "Why not? Maybe we can bump into Taehyung-ah!" You fake excitement but can't help but smirk when you see his facade slip from your remark.

  His grip tightens. "Maybe."

  The lady merely chuckles and comments to her partner about their first year together.

  As soon as you two are alone, he grabs your arm and squeezes hard and you gasp in pain. "What the heck was that?! Do you want to cause something that will get innocent people into their caskets before you can say 'oops?'" He hisses coldly.

  You grimace. "Listen up. If you can act, I can too, but never forget that at the end of the day, you're the bad guy and I'm on the good side." You wrench your arm away.

  He smirks again, and you are tempted to ask if he is related to Jimin. "How bad can I possibly be?"

  "Let's see." You answer evenly.

  The angel just chuckles lowly as if he knows what you don't. "Prejudice is a great injustice you commit to others, Black Dove." He starts walking away, stabbing the fork into your red velvet and putting it in his mouth. Your hand darts out without your permission, grabbing the soft fabric of the man's right sleeve.


  He turns around, fork dangling by his lips and his cheeks bulging slightly. Red crumbs dotting his mouth area prove as evidence. "What?" He mumbles, his voice stuffy.

  You can't suppress your giggle, to which he smiles softly without you noticing. "I- I never got your name."

  He raises his eyebrow. "Our people call me Suga." He turns around and walks away.

  Suga, you think. He seems so different. Acting like a true gang member at one moment, and in the next a perfect gentleman.

  Now you know two of the members. Taehyung and Suga. No doubt 'Suga' was an alias.

How many more will you have to encounter?

  Your thoughts are interrupted when you notice hushed voices. You crane your neck towards the elevator doors, which are now open.

  A lady in a navy blue business suit walked towards a separate door near the other end of the room accompanied closely by three men, all in business attire with one holding a rather large briefcase.

  You sleekly listen in on a conversation happening close by and learn that these are the last four of the seventeen businessmen men and women for the meeting upstairs.

   You eagerly contact your brother, hoping for some action. Parties are such a bore. "Oppa!"


  "The last of the people have arrived. The meet will begin soon, very soon."

  Junseo hums through the speaker. "Alright, you know the plan. Head up without anyone noticing you. Keep your knife near but not in sight. Listen in on the conversation- record whatever you need to. If anything goes wrong, well, you know the rest."

  "Got it." You smile, already anticipating the adrenaline rush you have yet to experience.

  You feel slightly bad thinking about Jae Hwa but you quickly and subtly follow the path the business people took.

  Just as you put your hand onto the doorknob, you feel the same intense gaze as before on you. Turning around, you see a familiar figure.

  One of the men who went up with the lady and other guy is watching you while whispering quickly into a phone pressed on his ear. Upon noticing that you are watching, his gaze darkens and he turns around.

  You have no doubt that this is one of David's men.

  Hastening, you open the door and quickly go in, racing up the awaiting stairs.

  Let's hope no one else saw me and that the mission will go smoothly. However, there will definitely be guards.

  At the top of the stairs, you find a hallway with a pleasant blue carpet and white walls but the reek of danger hangs thickly in the air.

  You make your way down before ducking automatically into the doorway next to you.

  Pressed against the polished wooden door, you catch your breath from the prospect of running into the two guards who just came around the corner.

  You slightly peeked out before bringing your head back.

  They are guarding the door that is three ahead of the one you are hiding in and on the opposite side.


  Knowing this is your stop, you decide to take the element of surprise into your hands.

  Along with lots of hope and luck, you think briefly.

  Suppressing your grin from the excitement, you straighten and make a sound as if a door closed. Then, you walked straight backed towards the corner of the hallway, your posture firm as you try to radiate importance and confidence.

  Mocking a look of surprise but mostly annoyance, you look at the two guards who are now looking at you with narrowed eyes.

  Turning to face the larger of the two, you speak sharply, "What are you two doing here? Did my message not come through? You're needed down by the elevators. A few suspicious individuals might be arriving as they were spotted on the property. Now leave! I'll call replacements for here."

  The second guy shrugs and walks away but the first gives you a judging look. You stop him by clearing your throat, your gaze cold. "I hope I won't have to fire the best men here for insolence."

  The first man now smirks slightly and walks after the second, chest high.

  You take out a black mask and tie it around your face quickly, only your shining violet eyes showing. Junseo had already arranged for the security cameras to go out a few minutes ago.

  Just as you put your slender hand on the door, a shot rings out.

☆Heyy people. So the storyline in my head is playing out perfectly. Next chapter will be extremely interesting ;)

  Vote, comment and do more than just exist >~<

-SugaKookies05 ♡

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