Cards & Circumstances

803 49 13

  You let your tongue poke out of the corner of your mouth, contemplating your next move. You shift your weight, glancing momentarily at your navy blue pyjama top, with darker lace edging the part resting on your navel, and black shorts.

  Across from you, Hoseok drums his fingers on the coffee table impatiently. Namjoon is studying his cards intensely, his slender fingers tapping the rim of each one tenderly.

  You make your decision, and throw the 7 of hearts.

  A series of groans follows your drastic move as Hoseok, Yoongi, Taehyung and Jimin slap their cards onto the table in annoyance.

  The grin on your face widens before you look pointedly at Namjoon.

  "11." He drawls as he lets his three cards slip onto the wood. Two 3's and a 5. All clubs.

  You smirk in triumph. "9." You let your 4 of diamonds and 5 of spades drop onto the table.

  Namjoon sighs in defeat, marking up the new scores on a piece of paper that everyone agreed on framing at the end of the night.

  Namjoon: 4
  Yoongi: 6
  Hoseok: 0
  Jimin: 2
  Taehyung: 0
  Jungkook: 1
  Mi Sun: 9

  "I told you guys, no one beats me in German Rummy. It's my ga-"

  "Um, I won." A cocky voice calls out, interrupting your narcissistic moment.

  Everyone turns their eyes towards the young, yet not easy to miss, boy sitting the farthest away.

  His doe eyes lock onto yours before his veiny hands show his two 4's, a hearts and spades.

  Jimin bursts out laughing. "Kookie with the win! Boy, what the heck!"

  You stare at Jungkook. "Why, you little-"

  Namjoon cuts you off. "Let's not end up arm wrestling for the win, ok? We agreed on 23 matches, whoever gets 10 wins gets extra ice cream. Looks like it's no ones. Now, why don't we play something else?"

  You sigh and flop onto the carpet before smiling. "Nice one, John Kong."


  Yoongi unveils his cute gummy smile. "Kinda suits that muscle kid. Like a bigger version of John Cena."

  "We didn't stop. We went big, we went Donkey Kong size." Taehyung cackles.

  The boys tally up the scores and start deciding whether to play games or watch a movie.

  You reach forwards to grab a bag of Lay's French Cheese but freeze as you feel something on your back. 

  Cold fingers fumble with your soft shirt, brushing your skin hurriedly. A sharp tug on the fabric and the feeling is gone along with the smooth culprits.

  You look up to see Taehyung retracting his hand and staring at his fingers for a couple of moments in a daze before diverting his eyes.

  "Your shirt went up. Your skin was showing a bit, so I quickly fixed it before someone saw. You know, I just did it quick and I didn't mean anything but I wanted to help. Yeah." He mumbles sweetly as his cheeks go pink.

  Your heart melts again for this cutie. "That was nice of you. Thanks, Taehyung." You find it adorable how he can be so shy and cute even with his dark, alluring eyes and deep, melodious voice.

  "Well, Never Have I Ever it is." Yoongi says loudly before sitting on the couch you are leaning against. He sits one spot to the right of the cushion your head is resting on.

  Your eyes widen at the close proximity between your head and his thighs. If you moved your head to the right ever so slightly, you would brush the soft fabric of his sweatpants...

  No! No thinking of him! Even if his thighs are so-

  "No whining. I'm the Hyung. Now, spin the stupid bottle already." Yoongi yawns and adjusts his position.

  Namjoon sighs. He spins, and the mouth of the Sprite bottle points to Hoseok.

  "Hmm," He thinks. "Never have I ever...drank more than 2 cups of coffee in a row."

  You, Yoongi, Namjoon and Taehyung put down one of your five fingers each.

  Next is Jimin. "Never have I ever won a solo Fortnite game."

  He, Taehyung and Jungkook all put down a finger.

  "Taking my bros down with me." Jimin smirks.

  The game goes on before ending up with everyone having one finger left, and the bottle pointing at Yoongi.

  "Never have I ever," he pauses dramatically before grinning slowly, "been in a relationship."

  A bunch of protests ring out as everyone puts their last finger down.

  Except you.

  Wide, surprised eyes stare at you.

  "You've never dated, Mi Sun?" Namjoon asks in surprise.

  You look down, embarrassed. "No..."

  Yoongi looks at you with his head tilted, eyes gleaming with a new light of interest.

  "I don't know about you guys, but I'm exhausted. Mind if I go to sleep, Namjoon Oppa?" You yawn, looking at the clock on the wall displaying 10:26.

  "That's cool. Jungkook will show you to the guest room." He says before picking up the snacks.

  "Wait, I'll help clean up, Oppa! I'm sorry, I should've said that first." You grab the cards and put them back into their box.

  "Ugh, if only all kids were this nice. But no, it's fine. I'm not doing it all anyway. Taehyung will help!" Namjoon smiles at you before thrusting the snack wrappers at the pouting boy.

  "Ok, Hyung." He grumbles, but with a small smile.

  "The rest of you should sleep now, too. It's been a long day." Hoseok says before trudging upstairs.

  One by one, everyone gets up and goes upstairs.

  What a night.

☆Wish me luck for my physics exam on Monday =_=

  Also please do vote and drop a comment!! It really makes my day :))

Love you all


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