Rules & Steps

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  "Understand?" Jin looks everyone in the eye carefully, his hands on his hips as his foot taps lightly on the concrete floor of the parking complex.

  "" Jungkook smiles sheepishly as Yoongi slaps the back of his head.

  Namjoon sighs. "You understand why Mi Sun will be with Dae-Jung and Sarah in a separate car? And why we will not interact closely with them at the Meet?"

  Jungkook's eyes light up. "Yeah, I get that. It's because we can't let any other gang think we are allies 'cause that would be highly suspicious!"

  Jimin chuckles at the youngest boy's enthusiasm. "So that means no interactions, except for mandatory ones."

  "Too bad." Yoongi whispers in your ear as his hand ghosts your back and you laugh at him.

  "What else?" Jin quizzes Hoseok.

  The man smiles brilliantly. "We have to act calm, cool and composed! No smiles, or loud laughing or brightness..." He trails off, his grin being replaced with a frown.

  You coo and give him a light hug, being careful not to wrinkle his crisp suit. "Don't worry, Hoseokie Oppa! We can exchange jokes about people after the event." You wink at him and he smiles again.

  "Right, right, and what else?" Jin claps his hands together for attention from the youngsters.

  Dae-Jung answers with a low, smooth voice. "Mi Sun will be announcing her title of Mafia Queen and her place at the head of Elixis, and thus the top of the Mafia in South Korea."

  All eyes turn to you and you struggle to not curl into a ball and hide. You have to stay strong and responsible. And you can't ruin your dress- Jin would murder you.

  "Of course. After that, there will be discussions on trades, alliances, weapon developments and no doubt a mention of the current valuables moving around." You add on, remembering past talks from your father and brother.

  "Perfect. David won't be at the meet- he technically isn't part of the Mafia- but Silver Moon will be. Still, no attacking. No violence is the number one rule." Yoongi reminds, running a hand through his styled hair.

  "But we will be having a little chat with them sometime during the end." Jimin grins slyly.

  Namjoon nods. "So we're all clear? If we are called on to talk, let me handle it."

  Everyone murmurs their agreements before getting into the cars.

  'Raven' is in a sleek black limousine, and 'Elixis' will be going in a stylish Lamborghini. Dae-Jung takes the wheel as you slip into the back seat with Sarah. She squeals when she sees your dress and gushes on how elegant you look.

  You praise her as well, admiring the red velvet gown that wraps around her frame beautifully. Dae-Jung starts the car, the engine's purrs mimicking your racing heart; the anticipation and excitement is killing you.

  As the two cars pull out of their spots, the limousine's window rolls down. You do the same with yours.

  Namjoon pokes his head out. "Good luck, Mi Sun."

  You smile at him before Jimin pushes his head into view. "You look gorgeous! Don't let any guys talk to her, Hyung!" He yells at Dae-Jung who chuckles and gives them a thumbs up.

  Hoseok quickly pops into sight. "Both you girls look stunning!" His smile is wide and brilliant, almost as bright as Sarah's face.

  You mouth a small 'thank you' to him for acknowledging her before Dae-Jung zooms away.
  "The abandoned subway station. Fake wall a couple yards to the left." You repeat Yoongi's words from so long ago to your second.

  He nods. "The Meet's are always held in the same general area, and all cars are parked at the exact same place."

  "I'm so excited! This will be my first Meet!" Sarah squeals.

  You hug the older woman tightly as her dark curls tickle your nose. "Mine too. I'm so happy we can do this together."

  She looks at you slightly worriedly. "Your first Meet and you have so much to say. Are you sure you want to do this, Sugar?"

  You swallow the lump in your throat. This Meet is crucial. "Yes. Don't worry about me, Sarah. You just have a good time. It won't be hard- you look lovely as always."

  Dae-Jung pulls halfway into an alley as the two of you talk. He exits the car and walks up to the wall and starts...tapping it?

  You and Sarah exchange a confused glance before the ground in front of the car starts sloping downwards soundlessly. Your violet eyes widen at the sight of the hidden ramp.

  Dae-Jung climbs back in and starts going down slowly. There you see a huge space filled with all sorts of cars, from the most rare luxury Bugattis to handcrafted Ferraris.

  As the Lambo pulls smoothly into its space, Sarah jumps out and starts getting what she needs from the small bag she brought with.

  Dae-Jung turns to face you in his seat, his eye covered in the same worn patch while the rest of him is dressed in a distinguished traditional tuxedo. "Mi Sun, I want you to know you can do this. Junseo always knew you'd take the throne one day, and I know he would be proud of you. Elixis and Raven can do this. We will bring an end to the corruption."

  The passion in his voice shocks you. "I...I'll do whatever it takes." You force back any tears from destroying your makeup.

  After Sarah gives the two of you a small knife and pistol each, you head out. Only the top three gangs are allowed minor weapons of defense, for they are considered the most sensible, the most respected. You realize you have no clue as to who the third gang will be. Guess I'll have to find out when we get there.

  After a couple minutes, the three of you enter the gloomy, poorly lit subway station. A voice calls out from farther down. "Guys! Entrance is here!"

  You recognize Jin's voice before he walks through the dark brick wall.

  You rush over to find that the wall is actually a projection. Dae-Jung and Sarah wait behind you loyally with determined faces.

  You take a deep breath to steel yourself and step forward, eyes bright.

☆This chapter and the one after it took a while to write because I needed to sort some details out that I included from some beginning chapters hehe

I'm struggling with balancing 2 stories, but I hope you all stay patient with me!

A couple of loose ends will be tied up next chapter so I'm sorry for any previous questions/confusions.

Stay safe! I know quarantine sucks but we can pull through together!

PS. I'll try and get the next Chap out early!

  -SugaKookies05 ♡

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