Endeavours & Annoyances

682 39 16

You walk behind Namjoon in hopes to keep up with his long strides. He turns down a corner into his bedroom, and you follow in confusion.

His room is neat and orderly with nothing extra out in sight. He motions for you to come to the far side of the room and taps the wall twice, his slender fingers rapping on the beige paint sharply.

Of course the wall moves to the side to make way for a larger room. You totally saw that coming.

"Impressive, but why hide this room away?" You raise both your eyebrows in a gesture of appreciation as you look around the plain room. It contains one long wooden table and 13 chairs. Nothing else.

Namjoon sits down on one chair and you notice how easily he fits into it and how his posture adjusts to the chair smoothly. Ah, so this is his chair, right at the head.

"This room contains multiple files on various things. Us, Raven; our previous missions; information on other gangs; records, everything. But it also serves the purpose of important discussions in a safe place of confidentiality." He looks at you pointedly.

You return the unspoken agreement by holding his stare as you sit down across from him.

"Now," Namjoon clears his throats and pulls out a couple pages from his pocket. "To discuss the future. I have thought of an idea which I previously mentioned to Junseo. This idea seems more than practical in the given situation and can only benefit all parties."

You decide with a poker face and wait for him to continue, not betraying your sudden curiosity.

"The idea is simple. A simple proposition with a simple outcome, that can have intricate details. This idea is alliance." Namjoon picks out a solitary page and fingers it.

"Alliance is already one of the factors between the Elixis and Raven, or has it been broken?" You question with narrowed eyes.

Namjoon slides the paper over to you and crosses his arms. "Alliance can be so much more than just cooperating as two separate groups."

The emphasis on 'separate' doesn't escape you as you look at the page. It is data on the statistics of both gangs. The last piece of data is a prediction of the outcome of the combined statistics, and thus...

"A combined gang." You voice your last thoughts out loud as you simultaneously look up into Namjoon's expectant eyes. "You wish to combine Elixis and Raven?"

Namjoon merely nods.

"Why?" You can't help the tingling suspicion hanging at the back of your mind.

"It is practical and it is ingenious. You, as the Mafia Queen and head of Raven, will lead with me. We will control Seoul's deadliest and most elite gang, by combining two necessary components in the recipe for success. With our intellect and advanced weaponry, and your skills and trained personnel, we can defeat David. We will have the power to defeat them all, and put an end to the failed government and the system!" Namjoon passionately conveys his vision and you can't help but agree with him.

"What is your input, Mi Sun?" He looks at you with a piercing stare, fixating his being towards you.

You don't blink as you weigh the options, judge the conflicting areas.

"I accept the proposal- with terms we shall first decide." You smile smugly at the thoughts racing through your mind.
"You got everything?" Jin quizzes Yoongi for the umpteenth time.

"Yes, Hyung. Even the water bottles." He groans as he adjusts his black face mask.

You stifle a laugh as you tighten your high ponytail. Namjoon is in his room going over your set of added terms while You, Yoongi and Taehyung are heading out for a minor territorial scouting. Apparently some little league hotshots decided to try and challenge Raven's territory.

Taehyung flicks the safety of his LMG on and off impatiently. Hoseok sighs in irritation. "Just let them go already Jin Hyung. They can be back in a couple hours." Jin finally gives in and the three of you head out into the late afternoon.

The distance is fairly short so you opt to walk. You pull the hood of your jacket up and stuff your hands into the pockets of your favorite sweats. Yoongi contrasts you wonderfully with a black and silver bomber jacket, tight black jeans and messy hair as he walks next to your unfashionable frame. Taehyung runs ahead occasionally making weird gestures and sounds as he lets his imagination take over for the moment.

"So, who are these guys?" You ask Yoongi in reference to the hotshots.

"I don't really know, just some random idiots part of a tiny group that usually stays in a alley. The most they do is probably catcall some University students." Yoongi smirks harshly.

You chuckle. "Then why are we wasting our time?"

"Because it's fun to punch them and we eliminate any threat, no matter how minuscule!" Taehyung sings.

"And we have an excuse to stay out for a while without Jin Hyung breathing up my as- neck." Yoongi looks quickly towards Taehyung.

You follow Yoongi and Taehyung for 6 more minutes, talking about random things. Yoongi stops in one alley mid sentence.

"Well, well, well. Who might you be, lovely lady?" He says sarcastically to the head of the small group of 5. The lead man snarls and whips his long hair back.

"Shut your filthy mouth." The longhaired guy sneers at Yoongi, but you catch the hesitation in his eyes.

Yoongi's eyes darken with annoyance. "What a nuisance. I don't want to get my hands dirty with him tonight. Taehyung?"

"Sure." He shrugs his shoulders and pulls out a pistol deftly from his jeans, his innocent smile widening. The lead man falters and pulls out a rusty knife.

Yoongi tilts his head up, his jawline sharp and catching the last lights of the evening. "What are you you doing here? I'm pretty sure the dumpsters are one block behind, kids."

The second one straightens her back even though you see her slightly shaking. "We are letting you know you're not gonna be the top dogs any longer, you hear? W-we are here to show you the rest of us want a little more respect then we are getting right about now."

You sigh. "Good luck with that. For all it's worth, I like your cactus socks." You offer her with a smile that doesn't reach your eyes.

Taehyung fires his gun at the lead man and then quickly at the lady, lodging bullets into their shoulders.

You make a quizzical face. "First time getting shot? Judging by their screams, I'd say." Yoongi shrugs his shoulders before throwing two small knives into the next one's thighs.

You step up and punch one guy in the nose before you kick him in the groin. As he goes down with a whimper you whip out your gun and shoot him in the foot. Between his screams you whisper into his ear, "Don't be stupid next time, hm?" You smile.

Yoongi shoots the last one in the stomach and the lady falls down, dead. "That one body is a reminder to all of you fools as to why you're the pathetic people you are. You aren't anything. We are stronger. We are your superiors. Don't even try telling anyone otherwise."

As their strangled gasps and cries fade, Yoongi turns to you with a cheeky grin. "Wanna get some ice cream?"

You smile out of bliss since that one night. "Of course."

☆Heylooo! Hehe Yoongi and You are savages lol

Also thanks you for voting and bringing my story to so many reads!! I'm so happy *insert weird little dance*

Love you all, vote and comment, and enjoy your weekend!

P.S I just realized I never hit the publish button last week amd I feel so bad, but I didnt have to write this week huehue

-SugaKookies05 ♡

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