Tears & Wants

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  "Are we sure?" Jin's voice rings out, momentarily breaking your silent trance.

  You shift your weight and push Dae-Jung's supporting hands off your shoulders. He mumbles some words that you don't comprehend, don't even try to.

  "Seriously, Hyung? Gyeong dissapeared right after Junseo Hyung..."  Jimin's voice trails off.

  Namjoon sighs and runs a hand across his smooth face. "I've already run three tests on the gun. It's definitely Gyeong's, and the captive shot it from where he was tied up. When I first turned around that night, I immediately thought how." He takes a deep breath before turning to you.

  He kneels down to level his beautiful face with your distant one, from where you sit on the lone chair. His deeply sympathetic eyes search yours for traces of light, but your blank orbs stare back with no sense of emotion. The black of his eyes surround you, suffocate you as his voice becomes muffled.

  "Mi Sun, you just have to recognize the gun. Can you do that for me? Please, just tell us who it belongs to." Namjoon pleads with you.

  You want to help. You want to find Gyeong. You want to talk to Namjoon right now.

  But you can't.

  You didn't cry that night. Three nights ago, on your birthday, the most important person to you died. Your brother. Junseo died, and a part of you did too.

  You are still struggling to find out what you need. All your thoughts are bottled up and ready to explode. Your insides are waiting for an emotional release...but it isn't there.

  You're alone.

  "Hyungs, can I talk to Mi Sun? Just for a bit, and I want Hobi Hyung with me, please." You look up as Jimin talks to Jin and Namjoon.

  Namjoon nods and Jimin turns to you with a soft smile and stretches his hand out to you. "Do you want to come with me?" You hear his hopefulness, even though you haven't said or done anything since the incident.

  That hope, his smile, the eagerness to help you, the love you feel; it all melts a barrier you formed. You begin to climb out of your dark space, towards 7 rays of light who are there for you. Like a dream's glow.

  You nod and grasp his warm hand. Every one in the room grins. Taehyung pumps his fist and Yoongi's eyes soften.

  Jimin leads you out of the meeting room and into the living room. You realize with a start you are in Raven's house; their base.

  You sink onto a sofa and hesitantly pull Jimin's hand as a gesture for him to sit next to you. His eyes light up and he obeys, pressing his side against you. He slowly wraps an arm around you and pulls you closer to him. That one simple, meaningful act breaks your dam and you let go.

  You cry into Jimin's arms as he holds you close to himself. You let it all out; the pressure to please your brother, the struggle to balance life and then all the deaths- it all comes out onto the warm chest of a soothing male.

  "I'm here for you, ok? It's alright, Mimi. I'm here. Let it out." Jimin strokes your hair softly although you feel his hand tremble.

  You clutch his shirt tightly in two fists and wrap your legs around his waist. You try to leave no distance between you and him- no space for the unending sorrow to come in.

  Hoseok stands solemnly and watches, occasionally rubbing your back and giving you a small smile. That's what did it. The idea that you're stopping this wonderful man from smiling widely and beautifully made your tears suddenly stop. You want Hoseok to smile bigger. You want Jimin to know you will be okay; maybe not now, but soon. You want to help Namjoon find Gyeong and know why he killed Junseo.

  You want to not let go of Junseo, but you already feel him slipping away. Like he's letting go.

  You want it to be alright.

  You fist Jimin's shirt even tighter and look up at his sweet face. Your eyes water slightly and you bite your lip to not cry again. You manage to give a small smile as a tear slips down your cheek. Jimin's starry eyes soften as you speak in a trembling voice.

  "I'm fine." You partially lie.

  Hoseok gives you a big smile. "You will be. I promise you, okay? Jimin, can you...?" He looks at the younger pointedly.

  Jimin nods and gently picks you up bride-style and carries you upstairs. He opens a bedroom door with one hand, the other supporting you firmly. He walks over to the spacious bed and lets you down softly onto the plush comforter.

  You hesitantly whisper, "C-can you stay? Only for a little bit, please..."
  Jimin's full lips tremble at the sight of you looking so helpless and scared. This isn't the the girl he knows to be cocky and smug. She is delicate, and he will be here for her right now.

  Jimin immediately slips into the warm covers next to her and she buries her face into his chest. Jimin hugs her tightly and feels his eyes moisten.

  He doesn't want to lose her. He will help her become stronger. Jimin only met Mi Sun a while ago, but he already feels protective over her.

  He closes his eyes and breathes in the warm, bittersweet air. He opens his beautifully shaped mouth and his ethereal voice pours out slowly and smoothly.

  "But it's okay sometimes,

  To show weakness.

  It's okay to be you.

  Don't lie to yourself any more,

  Everything connects by sound, woah.

  I'm your light, I'm your light."

  ☆Hey guys! Schools almost starting *sighs* and I'm not ready lol.

  Also, this chapter is soft and meaningful because I related it fully to myself here. I went through a hard time and this chapter is reaching out to my past self.

  I hope you remember to search yourselves for light, because sometimes you have to depend on you.

  Next chapter will be action packed and stuff so dont be mad haha >_<

  P.S. I gave a little Jimin insight huehue

I love you all! Don't forget to vote and comment! And check out the MV above!!

  -SugaKookies05 ♡

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