Secrets & Rules

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  "Do you know who it is? Or who might be the creator?"

  You shake your head at Jin's question. "My father never mentioned Thanatos, not in front of me. Oppa never dropped any hints, either."

  Yoongi catches your eye and holds the stare, emotionless except for the slight quirk of his brow. You shake your head slightly. You're telling the more secrets. Yoongi nods once, trusting you.

  Speaking of no more secrets...

  You turn to Namjoon with a curious stare, not letting any coldness creep in; after all, you both were guilty. "Joon Oppa, back then, before the call from my fr- from Baekhyun, when we were talking to Kwang..."

  He swallows, looking away briefly. You're one of the only people he can't bring himself to look directly in the eye while hiding something, you've come to notice.

  You lean forward from your place on the couch to narrow the space between you and the man sitting on the carpet, his arms wrapped around him like a pitiful shield.

  "It's okay that you didn't tell me about David's master plan. I wasn't 100% honest either, yeah?" The right corner of your lip lifts. "I thought that he was just in our way for destroying the corruption. Turns out, it's a way bigger scale than that, huh?"

  He nods, skin glowing golden from the soft light of a nearby lamp. "My reasoning was a bit different. I-I just didn't want you to know how massive this whole thing is. I thought the less you knew, the..."

  As he trails off and blinks rapidly, you furrow your brows in confusion. What is he struggling to say?

  Yoongi licks his lips before picking up the sentence. "He didn't tell you Burke was after Thanatos to protect you. After the first time," he clears his throat, the words paining him. "After the first time you were taken, I stumbled upon some things and we figured out that Burke was hunting Thanatos this whole time. Joon here thought that if we didn't tell you, you'd be safe because you wouldn't know as much as us, making you a lesser target."

  With each word, you feel your heart race first with anger, followed by pain, then a soft affection mixed with frustration, before slowing into a steady beating of love.

  "Oppa..." You let the smile on your face grow. "Sometimes it feels like Junseo Oppa never left," your voice cracks at the end and you come down on your knees the envelope the older man in a tight hug, forcing your eyes to remain dry.

  You hadn't told them you possess Thanatos out of fear, out of doubt. He kept one secret out of care.

  He holds you tight, wrapping his large frame around yours. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I know I shouldn't have treated you like someone who needs protection-"

  You pull back, stopping him, and smile softly at his sad eyes that reflect hundreds of stars from the night sky. "We all need protection. I'm glad I have you," you look around. "All of you. But we have to be open with each other because it's dangerous not to be. To do this...we have to rely on each other."

  Jimin nods, looking down. "I agree. The eight of us...we have the same goal. We're a team."

  Hoseok smiles and gives everyone a quick hug, lightening the mood with his aura of positivity. "We have that out of the way now! No more secrets and no more worries. Burke is a tiny bug in front of us!" He pulls a silly face before flexing his muscles.

  All of you laugh, an easy happiness creeping into the room now that the air is clear.

  "You're right, Seokie Hyung! He's toast once we find the creator! We'll grab the Cure and then bam!" Taehyung pretends to punch Jimin in the nose, who protects it fiercely from a third bruise.

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