Training & Lessons

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You pull on a black hoodie and black, skinny jeans along with black and white platforms. You decide to keep your hair open, since it is dark and can hide your face.

You hear someone knocking on your door, so you run and open it to see your brother, Junseo.

"Oppa! What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to take you to the headquarters of the Elixis, Mi Sun."

It strikes you that you have no idea where the Elixis is or how you are to start your mission.

You scratch the back of your head sheepishly. "Oh...yeah. Anyway, let's go!"

"Woah, hold up. Here's the plan. First, we are going to HQ to train and make introductions. Then, we'll get you suited up so you can carry out the mission."

You frown. "What's wrong with my wardrobe?"

Now it's Junseo's turn to frown. "You can't wear normal clothes. You're going to be properly suited. You're the Black Dove now, a part of the Elixis."

His sudden grin makes you wonder what exactly the Elixis has up its sleeve.

You both pull on masks and walk out of the apartment and hop into Junseo's car.

He drives you to a shady part of downtown Seoul, into a small shop.

"JJ Lampshades?" You ask, bemused.

Your brother face palms. "It's a cover. You'll see."

He leads you into the tiny shop with ugly lampshades. A counter stands at the back with a door labeled 'EXTRAS', as if they'd ever run out. An average, middle aged man stands at the counter.

"What can I get you today?" He says in a nasal voice.

"Knock off the act, Wong. She's Black Dove, my sister."

Wong breaks into sweat. "O-oh, of course. P-please come this way."

Wong leads you and Junseo to the door. He scans his thumb, eye and a strand of hair before he punches in a pass code.

"It's ELIXKILL for this week, all capitals." Your brother mentions.

You nod as Wong opens the door at last.

"It' elevator." You say.

"Get in, Mi Sun," your brother says as he pushes you in.

He presses a button and the elevator plummets down. You grit your teeth and clench your fists. Well, that's fast.

The doors open and your thoughts are cut off by amazement. "Woah, an underground base? Nice, oppa!"

There is a huge, circular room in front of you, with doors lining the circumference. The room was filled with...absolutely nothing.

"This room is the last stage of security. Your movements, body heat and everything is being recorded and verified. X-ray scans are also happening." Junseo laughs when you blush.

"Yah, oppa!"

"Don't worry, it's just for metal detecting. Now, you walk into your desired room if no sirens go off."

"Hmm..." You scan the plaques above the doors. "Weapons, technical, gadgets, cafeteria, files, training... this place is good, oppa."

Junseo smirks. "I know. Now let's head into training." He taps his ear where you notice is a headphone for communicating. "Send my men to the training room."

You follow your brother to the room. It is a wide area with multiple obstacles and weapons. You let out a whistle. "Nice toys."

A chuckle sounds behind you. "So this is the girl who took my place, Boss?"

You and your brother turn around. "Yes, I am." You answer, "and you are?"

"Third, thanks to you." A hefty man with orange hair sneers. He had a scar on his cheek, a long gash from just under his left eye to the corner of his mouth.

"Gyeong, stand down. Mi Sun, this is Gyeong, my third. This is Dae-Jung, my fourth, and the rest are the most loyal and fierce of the Elixis." Junseo says as he gestures to Gyeong and a tall, muscled man with one eye.

"Gyeong is an assassin and Dae-Jung is my best sniper."

You look again at Dae-Jung, startled. "He is your best sniper?" You ask skeptically.

Dae-Jung just gives you a smile and a nod.

"I like him!" You decide.

Everyone except Gyeong and Dae-Jung laughs.

"Alright, from now on, you'll be called Black Dove, because I don't want your identity to be revealed. Also, you can choose if you want to work solo or with others." Your brother states.

You think. "Alone." Others may get in your way, you conclude.

"Confident. Let's see how confident you are against Taehyung." Gyeong sneers.

"Taehyung?" You question.

"He's the member of the Ravens you will be sent to kidnap. I have the knowledge that he visits a cafe everyday and which route he will take today." Junseo answers.

You are impressed. "How?"

"I have made sure that the other streets are blocked or being repaved. He never misses going, so he is being forced into your hands." Junseo grins. "Now, training."
You wipe the sweat off your forehead as you sit down. You have just knocked out the fifth man in hand-to-hand combat. "Good," your instructor calls out, "Now for your last opponent- me."

You look up at the heavy set man. "Alright."

You scan the square room. It is fully padded with blue foam mats. A solitary bench stands in the corner where five dazed men sit. Targets line one wall with a cabinet of guns.

"Begin." You turn towards the instructor. You nod.

You run towards him, fake at the last moment and strike his right abdomen. He counters, twists inwards and kicks out at your shin. You bring your other leg around to intercept him and trap his leg. You twist and he falls. You lash out at his face but he elbows you in the ribs. You wince and arch your back away. The instructor grins and jumps up, turns around and brings his fist to your face. You crouch low and grab his arm, and you twist it behind his back. He grunts in surprise and pain. You kick his spine and your instructor crumples.

"So is the lesson over?" You brush imaginary dust off your hands and you turn towards the door.

You feel a sharp pain in your lower legs and you sink onto the floor. Someone holds your hands above your head and you feel a knee on your neck.

The instructor leans down by your ear. "Never turn your back on the enemy. Dismissed."

☆Aiii twist at the end.....I tried ok lol. Anyway who's excited for Tae Tae and Black Dove? Is anyone enjoying this fic as I much as I am writing it? Comment down below and vote! Byeee!


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