Maps & Gems

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  "This is the map of the base," Lisa explains as she zooms into her tablet's screen which is displaying a large house. "While you were gone, the girls and I made sure to get a thorough look into as much as we could."

  "His layer is a mansion?" Jungkook murmurs. "That'll be like a maze to us."

  You pale at the thought of another maze from David. The first one was mentally unbearable enough for you- you don't want to play another one of the cruel man's manipulative games.

  Namjoon scrunches his nose. "I doubt you got an interior look? It'd be impossible."

  Jisoo shrugs. "Not all of it, but Jennie got a look into some of the individual rooms. A lot of the top portion looks normal so we're thinking all the good stuff is underground."

  The car hits a bump in the road, causing everyone to shift up and down, gear clanking and rustling. "Take it easy," Yoongi calls to the front, scowling.

  "Sorry!" Hoseok squeaks from behind the wheel.

  "Okay, so where do you think it's best to go in? I'm thinking here and then take out the guards," Jin comments as he zooms in on a small part of the forest surrounding the house. "We can lure in the patrol and the guards stationed at the front to get rid of them while the snipers cover the tower watch."

  Rosé and Jimin mumble agreements as Taehyung nods thoughtfully. "That's a good plan, Hyung," he says, deep voice low. "We could slip in while the whole place is going into defensive mode; the little crack before the door closes, kinda."

  "Inside, we'll just rush for the basement, I think I know where it is. We don't have much time for planning so let's just go with what comes, I guess."

  You nod gravely. "I thought we were a step ahead of him, but he was always in front of us. Even now, we're probably walking into a trap."

  The car goes quiet, a grim silence taking over everybody at the thought of how little is in their control.

  "But hey," Dae-Jung says quickly, "we still have the Cure. Burke doesn't even know about it, so we have a chance no matter what. All we have to focus on is getting Mi Sun's friend, getting Thanatos and finishing off Burke."

  "Well, better start focusing. We're here," Hoseok calls from the front, turning off his headlights and pulling the car to a stop.

  You look around, satisfied with how the man hid the car amongst a bunch of trees on the edge of the small forest that lines Burke's mansion.

  "Everyone ready?" Rosé asks lowly, gripping her gun.

  You watch as everyone purses their lips, not having an option. You hold onto your own SMG, giving the woman a short nod which she returns.

  "As soon as we're out of the car, stay quiet. We'll have three teams: Namjoon with Hoseok, Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo will be Team 1; Mi Sun with Jungkook, Jimin, Jin and Rosé will be Team 2; Team 3 will be snipers with myself, Yoongi and Taehyung," Dae-Jung quickly explains.

  "Teams 1 and 2 will take out the guards as we just said and Team 3 will take out the tower scouts," Namjoon elaborates.

  Everyone nods and shuffles out of the car, dropping onto the ground with muffled thuds. You pull your camo suit's sleeves down as you follow Namjoon slowly and silently to the heart of the trees.

  You take a look over your shoulder to see your teams following, the snipers gone to their own posts. "Namjoon Oppa, take your team over to that side," you whisper through the earpiece, not wanting to raise your voice more than necessary. He looks to where you point at the east side and nods, signaling for his team to follow him as he slinks away.

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