Exertion & Patrolling

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  Soft grunts and harsh exhales fill the air, a repetitive dull thud accompanying each sound. The two bodies work hard, sweat-slicked skin and aching muscles blurred in the face of release and satisfaction.

  "Ha," Jungkook pants, bringing up a hand to quickly wipe at the glistening sweat on his forehead. With a huff, he pushes the weights away and sits up, white shirt clinging to his sculpted body as he combs his damp hair back, lips parted and mouth dry.

  You draw back, tensing your muscles before delivering a last bout of force onto the punching bag, relishing the throbbing in your arms and knuckles. You let the bag swing, done with abusing it as you press a towel to your face, breathing heavily from your exertion.

  Jungkook gets up with a happy sigh, grabbing a water bottle for you and himself. He latches his lips to it eagerly and guzzles half the bottle, you mimicking his actions.

  The two of you take a moment to steady your breathing, doing some gentle stretches to relax your muscles. You fix your hair, tightening the bun as you find your eyes straying to the male's legs.

  The dark colored shorts flatter him, hugging his well-built thighs and revealing his taut calves. You look at your own slightly leaner and less muscled legs in your yoga pants, frowning slightly.

  Jungkook chuckles, the breathy sound a result of the hot room. "You'll never have legs as fine as mine, Mi Sunnie."

  You stick your tongue out at him. "I'm okay with that, especially knowing you can never have a face as gorgeous as mine."

  The two of you laugh, but you notice smugly that he doesn't try to deny it.

  "Let's hit the showers," you say as you begin grabbing some things from the lockers.

  "Will we still go out for the patrol?" he asks, licking his dry lips.

  "Yeah," you shrug, trained to be able to endure physical exertion to the maximum. "We'll just shower twice."

  "Yay!" he cheers, following you to the showers.
  "Head to the right, I'll take this street. Kook-ah, you take the left."

  At Hoseok's command, the three of you split up, slinking into the hidden parts of the streets, shying away from the dying light of the day.

  You take a deep breath, filling your lungs in with the familiar night air. This is your turf.

  As you make your way down the side of the path, you notice that a lot of the shops are closed early, blinds pulled down and doors locked.

  You peer down an alley. Nothing.

  Man, these kids must feel real good causing a bit of unease.

  One of the patrol leaders told the three of you to look out for the four new guys around town who decided to be a nuisance. Your job is to catch them and teach them a lesson.

  A sudden crunch from behind you makes your muscles tense as you swiftly twist, avoiding a fast fist aimed at your head. You glance into the window of the shop next to you to see the reflected forms of two men behind you.

  Sighing, you turn, facing them directly. As soon as they see your face from underneath the hood of your hoodie, their steps falter.

  "The Queen..." one of them whispers, words carrying in the quiet air.

  "Surprise, morons." You dash forwards, swinging a fist at the heftier man's nose. He dodges, bringing his knee strongly up to your midriff.

  You twist in the air, lashing out a foot to hook his ankle as you pull. He stumbles as the other one unveils a knife.

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