Mornings & Meets

564 31 26

Yoongi's POV
  I groan, slowly slipping into my conscious state as an annoyance manages to wake me. I don't bother opening my eyes, just squash my face deeper into the pillow and grope at the soft object lodged between my thighs.

  I swear if Jungkook or Taehyung even try to get out of this one, I'll chop them up and fry them for dinner.

  (A/N: read that last line in the tune of "shut your mouth, baby, stand and deliver." I'LL CHOP THEM UP AND FRY THEM FOR DINNER, HOLY HANDS, WILL THEY MAKE ME A SINNER~ sorry I had to, but like it does make sense hehe)

  I brush my fingers against a smooth object and grab it, pushing it away from me. A whine sounds before my pillow propels itself into my chest, successfully knocking the wind out of me. Since when does my pillow workout?!

  I groggily blink, my mouth opening as a sigh escapes my lips. I hate waking up.
  I grunt and turn to the other side, squinting as I see the time. 4 PM.

  Ugh. I'm not ready to wake up after only 5 hours of sleep.

  I turn back, ready to make whoever bothered me regret existing, when I stop, blinking rapidly to make sure the sleep is out of my eyes.

  There's a girl in my bed.

  I furrow my brow and gently push her hair out of her face.


  It's Mi Sun.

  I allow myself to snuggle back under the covers, reassured, and she slides closer to me, soft breaths leaving her parted lips.

  Just before I drift back to sleep, a question pops up in my head.

  Why is Mi Sun in my bed?

  My eyes shoot open and I have a small crisis before the memories of last night flood back in. I breathe deeply, slowly calming down once I realize that everything is fine.

  Then I absorb the fact that I let my stronger side take over and dominate her. It felt...good. I blush at the thought and let a soft curse slip past my lips.

  I held her as she fell asleep. She was so close to me.

  I let one eye open slowly, staring at her. She's fast asleep, the exhaustion of the earlier events too much for her. As I let my eyes trace her beautiful face, my mind's gears start slowly turning as I think about Silver Moon and Gyeong and David, analyzing different situations and planning out the next best step.

  As I lie there, the thoughts dull as my exhaustion takes over.

  Ah, to hell with it all.
  A huge object falls on top of me, landing on my southern region. My eyes immediately shoot open, a curse leaving my lips before the pain even registers. My hand darts out to the side table and wraps around the hilt of my pistol. I press it into the object, which in turn giggles.

  I force my eyes open only to be blinded by the fluorescent lights, pushing my tongue in my cheek to contain my annoyance and not shoot. Tae smiles down at me.

  "Hyungie! We have a meeting soon so-"

  His joyous face is replaced with one of confusion before he's pushed out of the way by a gasping man.

  "My baby?! I thought you were just taking her to her room, you creep!" Jin starts hitting my legs and I wrinkle my nose, kicking him in return.

  Confused, I properly open my eyes and my feet still as I understand Jin's outburst.

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