Swerves & Moves

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  Hoseok floors the gas, zooming forwards as everyone scrambles to click their seatbelts on.

  "Fricking hell," Namjoon mutters, opening the dashboard and digging through all the guns stashed there. He grabs a small key and brings his hand to the floor, unlocking a hidden bottom compartment. He pulls out a compact LSAT, checking the mag and clicking the safety off. "Of course they'll make me ruin their WRX STI's," he sighs.

  He takes out a pair of glasses and slips them on before rolling the window down. He leans out, quickly squeezing the trigger and sending bullets rapidly thudding into the hood of one of the rear cars.
  "Stupid cars are reinforced," he grumbles, ducking his head back in when the bullets only manage to make shallow dents.

  Hoseok jerks the wheel again, lurching to the right of the road as one of the vehicles slams forwards where your car was seconds before.

  "Huh, I've never been in a proper car chase before," Taehyung chuckles. "Let me try, Hyung."

  Hoseok digs through his overhead compartment without looking, throwing something back to the boy. Taehyung holds what resembles a remote, studying the buttons momentarily before pressing them.

  "What's that..?" you ask curiously, only to flinch when a series of small explosions sound out from behind. "Wha-"

  "Hoseokie Hyung has equipped the car with many little toys, including these," Taehyung explains, pointing out the window. You lean forwards and see the cars following you now slightly behind, small black splotches also now decorating the road.

  "Mini grenades?" you question.

  "More like contained impact explosives," Hoseok corrects. "They'll blow up a tire if they get under a wheel."

  You hum, turning your head to look out the back window again. You watch as the tops of the cars slide down, two men popping out with large guns mounted on the roof.

  Heavy fire rings out, bullets slicing air and ricocheting off the armored Audi. You turn to Haechan, gesturing for him to lay low so he isn't seen.

  "Er.." Jungkook looks at Yoongi for permission, getting a nod in return. "Okay, I'll grab the top. Can Mi Sun cover me? Yoongi Hyung, Jimin Hyung and Namjoon Hyung can go for tires with Tae Hyung, and Jin Hyung plans a route with Hoseok Hyung to shake them off?"

  Namjoon thinks for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Yeah, but Yoongi Hyung will grab the sniper and go from the back."

  Everyone mumbles an okay before bodies start shifting. Yoongi slides into the seat farthest back, taking out a small device and breaking a hole in the glass in the back. Jin slips into the passenger seat next to Hoseok while Jimin and Namjoon come to the middle.

  "Follow me," Jungkook says to you before pressing a couple buttons on the side of the vehicle. A slight whirr fills the air before the top rises, an expandable wall coming around to form a tower-like structure on top of the car, a thin metal ladder dropping down. The boy climbs up, hoisting himself into the small area and expanding a medium-sized mounted LMG.

  You hesitantly climb up behind him, taking the rifle from his outstretched hand and pausing. You can't see anywhere to go.

  Jungkook stops adjusting the gun mechanics, looking down at you stopping below his legs on the ladder. "Climb up behind me and keep going up. There'll be a slot for you to fit the AR in, and you might have to, uh, sit on my shoulders." He scratches his nape, averting his eyes back to the gun. "It's normally Jimin Hyung's perch, but you're his size so you'll fit."

  "Yah!" Jimin calls from below, firing his gun out the window. You laugh, stopping to clutch the ladder when the car swerves again.

  "We'll be lucky to live past car sickness," Jin mutters. "Car chases are supposed to be fun."

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