Discussions & Alliances

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  "So, that's about it. And now, well, we're here to discuss everything." You sum up your full experience with Jimin, Rosé and finally your father's death to Namjoon along with the help of Jimin and a bit from Junseo.

  The intelligent man hasn't spoken once, only crossed his legs and tilted his head to rest it on his hand. You feel like he is looking into the meaning of every word you speak and  judging your every action.

  All in all, making you feel real comfortable. Mhm.

  "I see. Well," he uncrosses his legs and tightens his tie, "what exactly are you proposing here, Junseo?"

  You glance at your brother, taking in his mild annoyance. Namjoon is clever. He twisted the words and story to make it seem like Junseo is the one opting for an alliance.

  "Previously, you were viewed as a threat to Elixis. Killing the good, hurting the helpless. Due to present circumstances, it is mandatory to tell that we are not an actual 'gang.' We do not terrorize, murder or spread fear." Junseo states before looking at you with a small nod.

  You nod back and continue the story of the family gang. "In reality, we exterminate those who have done wrong or should have been sent to jail; everyone knows the justice system is corrupted and broken. In a way, we took it up in our own hands."

  Jimin gasps slightly. "So...all those people who you kill? They're actually guilty of something?"

  You hum and look Namjoon in the eye. "We hope to have a high position, one where we can do whatever we please unchallenged, and hopefully one day take down our rival."

  Namjoon speaks softly now. "Us. Raven."

  "Yes. Until now. When we first took Taehyung, he tried convincing us that you are like us. That, all in all, you weren't the bad guys here." Junseo explains.

  "Later, your member Suga helped me and Rosé protect innocents at
the hands of David." You pick up the story again.

  Namjoon and Jimin scowl at the mention of the notorious supplier. "We had information on his plans and decided to step in. I was informed by Suga later that Elixis had the same idea."

  "Oppa and I finally realized the truth, then. When it was obvious that Raven didn't kill our father, everything pieced together."

  "You don't kill innocent civilians. A background check was run and our technical support found files deleted. It cost a fortune and a lot of hacking to discover new information on the victims that was almost fully deleted from the face of this Earth." Junseo says. "Sejun, for example, wasn't just a bartender. He illegally sold young girls and boys he kidnapped to the highest bidder."

  You see Namjoon smile with respect and and bit of awe. "Impossible! Your team is topnotch, daresay."

  "All that time, Taehyung was telling us the truth when he said that Raven is a twin to Elixis. It all came to an end with Jimin. His care and rush to help for Oppa clicked it all together." You finish.

  Silence stretches out in the meeting room, all six attendees pondering over this new information.

  "An alliance is due, Namjoon. The contract, Gyeong." Junseo finally breaks it.

  As Namjoon signs the contract after scanning it thoroughly, you feel your mind go numb.

  All this time, we were wrong. Raven isn't the enemy here. They...they're just like us.

  Now we are allies. Allies. One word can hold so much responsibility and trust.

  You turn your body towards Jimin and are greeted with his beaming face.

  "This is great! You know what this means, right?"

  You grin at Jimin's enthusiasm. "It is pretty cool. Now...well, it's like a whole new chapter for us." An alliance between Raven and Elixis seemed impossible; the two biggest foes, now suddenly allies? Your spine is tingling.

  "Yeah, but this means I can get to know you better! I-I mean-" You cut Jimin's embarrassed words off with a laugh.

  "Can't exactly avoid me now, can you? But...I have to say I understand why you kept your distance. It's a natural law. I never thought at the time that you could be Mafia."

  "Hah, I wouldn't think of staying away now," Jimin winks cheekily and you roll your eyes while smiling. "But all is good now, right?" He says anxiously.

  You nod and he exaggerates relief.

  "I have one request, Junseo." Namjoon looks up at your brother.


  "Send one or two of your choice to come back with me for this night to understand our workings, and I'll lend you two of mine."

  Junseo thinks over this and agrees. You find yourself hoping that maybe, just maybe...

  "Black Dove, I want you to accompany our friends. I think one is enough, however." You can tell by his expression that Junseo doesn't fully trust Raven enough to risk multiple people.

  That means he trusts you to be able to look after yourself. You feel yourself smile, partly from being so respected and also from the opportunity. The opportunity to see Jimin's friends and maybe the boy that haunts your thoughts. Kim Taehyung...

  "Of course!" You high five Jimin.

  "I will send my man, then. I suppose that Jin will be fine." Namjoon decides before getting up and fixing his suit. "Thank you, Junseo. This was extremely productive and beneficial. I must leave now. Keep in touch, the summit meet is almost here."

  Junseo bids him farewell and you, Namjoon and Jimin exit the meeting room.

  "So, Black Dove. Pack up for tonight, I guess." Namjoon says as he pulls out his car keys. I'll drive you home."
   "Almost done!" You call as you quickly rummage around in your closet for your favorite pajamas.

  "Hurry!" Jimin says back. Both the boys are waiting at your front door.

  "I'm exhausted. Guess what? I just wanna go home." You hear Namjoon mumble.

  "Ha!" You cheer as you find it and stuff it into a drawstring bag. "Coming!"

  You run out to the boys. You changed your clothes into tights and a cute mochi pullover. "Hey! It looks like you!" You gasp as you look at the motif on your pullover and then Jimin.

  "Heh, it does! You got no jams, Jimin." Namjoon smirks as Jimin pouts.

  "Now let's go, Hyung! Time to have Mi Sun meet the rest!" Jimin quickly ushers everyone out as you laugh.

  Will all of them be this charming? Is it possible?

☆Ay! I'm back with another chapter! This chapter is CRITICAL. You guys already understand (hopefully) that this is the major turning point of the story.

  Enjoy! Also, I'm not seeing many people vote *cries quietly in the corner* please show your support! Let me know if you like it!

  PS. My exams are coming up but I'll try my level best to keep updating.

  Ramadan Mubarak to my Muslim readers and a late happy Easter to others!

-SugaKookies05 ♡

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