Hurries & Perturbation

725 39 4

  You and Jimin rush through the endless hallways of the average building on the corner of a street only 5 minutes away from your own. It borders a technology company and gymnasium, itself being an architectural firm.

  Panting, you stop and rest your back against one of the many doors. "Jimin...I don't understand what we are doing here." You wheeze.

  He slows into a walk before finally coming to a full stop. "The group who did this to your family aren't the type to only have one plan. They have multiple backups in case of any scenario. They aren't a minor league.

  "They probably expected Junseo to show up here tonight, as a replacement for your father, thinking it's an important meeting. These people aren't going to hesitate from killing two birds with one stone. Especially if those birds hold most of the power and wealth in the mafia world."

  He starts running again, this time going up the next flight of stairs quietly; you immediately know that the next floor is the one.

  You fix your black shorts and dark blue long sleeved shirt before grabbing your gun and proceeding.

  To think of when you shied from killing. You should've known.

  "Baby, one day you might have to hurt people. But not good ones, bad ones who may hurt you or us."

  "I don't want that, Eomma!"

  "Then be ready."

  "It's isn't my blood!"

  "It has to be."

  It is in your blood. You are the Mafia princess and you will not hesitate to hurt or kill. Not any more.

  The hallway is dark and long, stretching out to lead to one door. One guard strolled the hallway, his back towards the stairs.

  Jimin crouches lowly on the last step, pulling you down, too. "You take out that guy. I'm going to scan the area for any other people."

  "How will you do that? There's one room."

  "A thermal scanner. It senses body heat to show the positions and number of people."

  You click your tongue against the roof of your mouth before switching the safety off your gun.

  You feel a soft, small hand on yours. "No, use this. You don't have a silencer on that thing. And gag him first." Jimin whispers.

  He hands you a small knife, its blade pure black and its handle curved slightly and bound with comfortable and worn brown leather.

  You gasp with wonder and delight. "I've never seen a beauty like this. Well crafted, I'd say."

  Jimin smirked. "She's mine. Let's say...something close to me." He looks back at the corridor before sharply hissing, "Go now! He started the stretch where he is facing away from you!"

  You sneakily follow him, your footsteps light and your eyes bright.

  As he stops to turn around at the end of the hallway, you pounce on him suddenly and clamp your hand on his mouth.

  A muffled yelp escapes and you wince but land a punch to his abdomen. You see him smile, unfazed.

  You attempt a nervous smile back. He whips your hand off him and punches you straight in the jaw.

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