Unveiling & Revealing

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  "This is as far as I can take you," Sana murmurs, stopping at a calm, quiet pond. The green fronds wave rhythmically, the water gently rippling as tiny fish swim around. "Even I do not know his exact location. For that, you must go there."

  You look to where she gestures, nodding once you catch sight of a little house beautifully built near the edge of the water, a small garden on it's side.

  "Thank you, Sana. I hope that after this, no one will ever bring harm to your home. I hope you will be happy," you give her a hug.

  She nods silently, eyes wet but a hopeful smile on her lips. "His family is inside. Be careful," she gives a final warning before turning back, her body less rigid as she returns to her village's main area.

  Yoongi turns to you, the irritation on his face obvious when he sees Jimin's hand still resting possessively on the dip of your lower back. The male had immediately hovered over you, pulling you near him when you exited Sana's home. The attention made you both flustered and amused- two things you seem to be feeling very often around Jimin.

  "So? What do we say? 'Hi, we're a Mafia gang looking for your husband, Mrs. Bang! We just want to force him into giving us the Cure and then try not to kill him for making a zombie-apocalypse virus, so do let us know where he's been hiding all these years!'"
   You groan, rolling your eyes. "Just let me and Joon Oppa do the talking."

  Jin nods, starting down the stone path towards the house. "And let my handsome face charm them into saying all we need!"

  You laugh, following his footsteps. The gentle breeze plays with your dark hair, your muscles tense with anticipation. The eldest knocks on the door, three polite yet firm movements of his wrist.

  There is a moment of silence before a rapid shuffling noise, the screech of something scratching wood making Jin take a step back. A couple moments later, however, the door opens slowly before a trembling gun is thrust out.

  "Names!" a voice calls, evident fear lacing the shaky feminine voice.

  You slide your hand into your pocket, wrapping your fingers around the cold steel grip of your gun. "Sana brought us here," is all you say.

  You sense the woman falter before calling out. "Code?"

  "Bright as fresh snow, dark as hidden leaves," you recite, remembering the words Sana whispered in your ear on the way here.

  The gun retracts and the door swings open. "Get in," a middle-aged woman gestures hurriedly from the inside, her salt-and-pepper hair tied into a tight bun.
  You and Namjoon share a look before he steps in first, followed by the boys and ending with you. Once inside, you realize the seemingly humble home is quite spacious.

  The woman disappears through a doorway and you hear her call out. A couple moments later, more sets of footprints accompany her and she reappears alongside two children, the oldest not being more than fifteen.

  The woman sighs, a relieved look on her worn face. "Too many come for trouble."

  You nod sympathetically, understanding why the kids were hiding. "The children shouldn't have to face it."

  Namjoon steps forwards, introducing himself and talking gently with the lady. Yoongi pulls you aside and Jungkook and Hoseok come over.

  "What's going on?" he asks lowly, unsure of the plan.

  "Sana told me that other gangs have come in the past and hurt the village in search for Si-hyuk- her own father was killed by one of them. Apparently, the creator has a connection here that draws in his old enemies," you whisper.

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