Awakening & Beginning

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  That's all you can comprehend.

  You try and open your eyes but they are weighted and stubborn. You try to move your body but your limbs are stone. You open your lips to speak but they do not part. You force down your rising panic and stop struggling. You try listening, but all you hear is a heavy silence. Everything seems muffled and sluggish.

  What's going on?

  Then out of nowhere, a noise makes it through the sound barrier. One noise becomes many noises, and they get clearer until you distinguish them as voices. The voices become louder and you finally make out some words.

  'Hyung, how long will she be like this?'

  'You sure you don't need a cup of coffee?'

  'Guys, let him work!'

  'Joon, come here- I think I know what caused it.'

  'Head trauma? Will she wake up?'

  'I don't know. It is internal; hemorrhage that induced a coma.'


  'But...will she wake up?'

  'I can't say, Min.'

  'Hyung, please make sure she is fine...'

  'Yoongi Hyung, where are you going?'

  'Let him go. He's upset right now, Tae.'

  You are confused. Who are these people? Who is 'she'? You feel a sharp pain in your head and you try to gasp but you still can't move. What is happening?

  Another sharp pinch and an invisible gate opens. Flowing like water into you, memories upon memories nestle into their designated spaces in your mind. Pieces fit together and the past is an open book, ready for your taking.

  Hesitantly, you allow yourself to succumb into a darkness where you remember it all.

  Jungkook. Taehyung. Jimin. Namjoon. Hoseok. Yoongi. Jin.

  Raven. Elixis.

  Silver Moon. David.

  Torture. Rescue.

  And now...this. The boys rescued you, but you passed out. What did Jin say? Hemorrhage? Coma? Not anything good.

  The boys sounded worried. You feel a pang in your heart at the thought. You have to wake up for them.

  As you lay there, you suddenly feel warmth spread into your hand, uninvited yet familiar. You feel pressure on it, almost as if someone is squeezing it.

  "Mi Sun, you will be alright, you have to, okay? I'm so sorry. I-I should've been there to protect you. And I know what you would say if you could hear me now. You'd tell me you can protect yourself." A shaky voice let's out a bitter laugh, husky and raw. It sounds almost as if the person is right next to you, the voice clearer than the ones before. It sounds so beautiful for you to hear something so real; so real that you know exactly who's voice it is.


  "I just...I...I can't lose you, Mi Sun. I know I don't really know you but I feel like I do. It feels like you're one of us now. And I know the boys all like you a lot, too. Kook is shaken up a bit from when he found you- he won't come out of his room." You sense something wet land on your cheek.

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