Rescues & Recollections

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  As soon as the gunshot rings out, you open the door urgently and look around, sheer determination and confidence shining in your eyes.

  The room is oval shaped with a large, rectangular table sitting in the middle. Fancy, upholstered chairs line every side. Occupying each of these chairs, with the exception of six, is a shocked and frightened business man or woman.

  The other four men and two women are standing up, spread around the room with guns in hand. You faintly recognize one of the women, though her heavy makeup and the angle obscure you from knowing who she is.

  When you had opened the door without thought, one of the men turned his gun towards you, causing you now to realize how stupid you are.

  You stand helplessly with your hand on the door handle, trapped between pleading gazes of innocents and the cold, emotionless muzzle of a pistol.

  "Wrong room, heh?" You weakly make an attempt but the look from the man holding the gun shuts you up fast.

  Great. I'm a genius. No way to beat the gun, no way to actually, I don't know, live. Maybe...

  Just as you are about duck and body slam the man in front of you after yodeling to confuse him, the room erupts into smoke, chaos and curses. You faintly see the vent at the top of the room fall to the ground.

  The curses originated from you, because gosh darn diddly dang, you were going to kick that guy's butt with the element of surprise and a terrible singing voice on your side.

  As you cough and wave the smoke out of your eyes, the sight before you causes you to want to do two things.

  1) Jump up and down in celebration of your survival/rescue.

  2) Scream in frustration at his smooth, totally professional entrance.

  Suga smirks lazily, his eyes half-lidded as if he was just asleep yet his hair and suit are still perfect.

  He dusts his pants slightly and pulls at his left cuff. Everyone in the room seems to freeze, as if the president had entered the premises.

  Finally, after deeming he looked perfect (although you had to admit he couldn't not look perfect), he loosened his tie and looked you in the eye.

  You scowled half heartedly.

  "What? You expected me to sit and watch you get killed stupidly? Or more importantly, let these people die and David's men get away?" He spoke, his voice slightly raspy yet authoritive.

  You were in shock, to put it simply. First, Suga appears out of nowhere and starts acting like a friend. Then, Suga gets angry and agressive. To top it off, Suga then pops out of a freaking vent to take over your mission. Finally, Suga decides your death is not that important.

  No thanks, Suga

  "I had it under control!" You finally manage to say without clawing his eyes out.

  His damn smirk pushed you over the edge.

  Since all of David's, uh, helpers, are concentrated on the new threat, it is easy for you to launch yourself onto the one in front of you.

  Your shrill shriek shatters the silence after your pathetic remark as you rip the gun out of the man's hand.

  His previously slack posture and diverted eyes are now the complete opposite. He dashes to the side as soon as you properly fit your finger into the trigger.

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