Stories & Turns

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  "Wah, you grew up here?" Jungkook says in wonder, big eyes shining as he gazes at the beautiful mansion. Taehyung hums in appreciation.

  You shrug awkwardly. "My dad was the Mafia King, I mean. The house has been in the family for years."

  "We know, it's just that..." Jin trails off, equally mesmerised at the sight.

  "Everyone in the Mafia dreams of this. Being the Royals. Living as the King," Namjoon breathes out, a shy smile on his lips.

  You look at them with raised brows. "Really? guys are second in the country. Technically first, if you know what I mean."

  Hoseok nods. "Yeah, but no one in the Mafia, no matter how rich, can have the grandeur the Royals possess. That's reserved for them."

  Six of them walk forwards, admiring the structure and commenting on their own expectations.

  Jungkook comes to stand next to you by the car. "You might not realize it, but a lot of people in the Mafia can't afford to have a life half as good as ours- part of the reason many join. I grew up in a poorer district. We didn't have enough a lot of the times. When I joined Raven, it was a bit better. Still, it wasn't until very recently that Raven came into the top ten gangs, and then number two."

  His voice is soft as he recalls his past, eyes distant. You grab his hand to show him you're listening, fingers molding into each other.

  "It was hard at first. We had such big dreams. We were ambitious," he chuckles. "Take down the system, that's what we told ourselves. We pushed and fought and bled to get here. It wasn't pretty or easy...but we got here. So I think the boys and I always marvelled the idea of if we were born into the Royalty- it would've been so easy to do what we wanted to, yeah?"

  Jungkook notices your silence and looks down, his eyes meeting your guilty ones.

  It makes you feel uncomfortable to think that they came so far for a goal that you had a huge headstart in.

  Jungkook bites his lip, squeezing his hand around yours. "That's not what I meant. It's not our choice where we start, but it is our choice where we end."

  You smile at him. "I like that. I'm sorry that I didn't join in this fight earlier...but I can't change that. I'm here now and I'll make sure we will achieve our dreams."

  Jungkook gives you a hug before pulling you up the driveway. "Now c'mon! I wanna see the inside! Is it true your grandfather built a torture chamber? Are there sharks?!"
  "Nothing! I can't find any clues," Jimin grumbles, sinking into a chair at the dining table.

  You sigh, leaning against the counter. The eight of you had spent the past hour and a half a searching the lower section for any clues or indications of where Thanatos went. It's annoying to know you're doing this in vain, but you keep quiet.

  Jin chuckles, crossing his arms together in the doorway. "That was just the ground floor, Chim. We have a whole day ahead of us." He looks out the window, frowning at the darkness outside. "Well, the whole night. Gah, we have to fix our sleeping schedule!"

  Yoongi rolls his eyes from where he is laying down on the floor. "I've been trying for more than two decades."

  Namjoon walks in, almost tripping on Yoongi's head. "I...nevermind. Well, there's nothing here. How about we split into two teams for the upper and lower sections?"

  "Sounds good," you agree. "There are two floors above and three below."

  "Who'll go where?" Taehyung asks, coming in behind Namjoon.

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