Bumps & Thumps

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  You wrap your hand around the cold handle, taking a deep breath before pushing down and swinging the oak door wide open.

  The light from the hall bathes the front half of the room in a soft glow, kissing the back so that you can just make out the shapes of familiar furniture. You and Namjoon slowly walk in, breathing in the faint, musky smell of stale air. Namjoon flips the switch (AN: flip flip) and you take a moment to adjust before looking around, eyes widening as a pang of sadness hits you.

  It hurts that it seems like everything is normal, that it's all perfectly fine.

  The rest of the house looks like everyone stepped out for just a second, leaving everything how it is. Like they'd all be back any minute.

  Your parents room is the same. The four-poster bed is perfectly made, the satin sheets folded and pillows plump. The beautiful Persian rug is clean of the huge, gruesome blood stain it had when you last saw it, body now encased in the family mausoleum. Even the vanity still has your mother's perfumes and makeup on it, waiting to be used once more.

  She probably left them when she moved away, not wanting to remember. Looks like you both distanced yourself to avoid the pain. But did that really help? a small voice in you chants.

  You catch yourself expecting the bathroom door to swing open, your father stepping out while combing his hair. Your mother will come out the walk-in closet in a new dress any moment now and ask you how it looks. Your brother will come knocking and tell everyone that the car is waiting.

  But they don't. They're all gone.

  Namjoon places a light hand on your back, moving to shield your view in a protective stance.

  "I'm sorry I asked you to come here, it was a bit insensitive of me. If it's okay with you, I can just take a quick look while you step out. I won't disturb anything, promi-"

  Jin pokes his head into the room, cutting off Namjoon and making you jump, "No! If you're left unsupervised, you'll break everything and bring the house down!"

  "Hyung-" he begins to protest but you interrupt him this time.

  "No, it's fine Joon Oppa. I can do this. Let's just get it over with." You empty your mind before moving in further and making your way to the vanity.

  Furrowing your brows, you swipe a finger gently on the surface, inspecting it to see a surprisingly thin layer of dust.

  "It was cleaned...but the cleaning stopped recently," Namjoon voices your exact thoughts.

  "Byung-chul," you say, remembering the loyal butler.

  "So he's been looking after the place? Where did he go? The house obviously hasn't been cleaned for a couple weeks, I'd say." Jin steps into the room fully, looking around before Tae pops up behind him.

  "Yeah! I noticed the place could've used a dusting when we were looking around." He ventures into the room and immediately flops down onto the bed, arms splayed out.

  "Tae!" Namjoon hisses, trying to fix the rumpled sheets and giving you an apologetic look.

  You surprise him by giggling. "No, it's okay, Oppa. At least someone can enjoy this."

  You, Jin and Namjoon start opening drawers and checking for false bottoms in the closet and side tables. You gently knock on the wood, listening for a sign of hollowness, but it's all solid.

  Jin sighs, straightening up from where he was checking the floorboards. "Seems like there's nothing here, Joon-ah. We've checked everywhere!"

  Sounds of laughter and yelps drift in from the open door, accompanied by the thudding of footsteps coming closer.

  It's like you and Jin are telepathic. You both immediately jump into action, racing to close the door before the others get a chance to come in. It's a weird sort of instinct, almost, to try and make their lives just that little bit harder and more annoying.

  This time, when you get a flashback of playing with Junseo the same way, it makes you smile.

  Jin reaches the door first and laughs as Jimin shouts a "No!" He uses his wide shoulders to slam the door closed, but misses and goes flying past the door, shoulder-rushing into an unlucky Jimin.

  The two go crashing into the wall opposite of the door, Jimin managing to turn around in time to smash his nose against the wall with a resounding thud.

  You smile turns into a shocked gasp as you rush forwards to the two men, stopping in surprise when you hear a whirring noise.

  You creep forward to where there is a small bloodstain on the wall, one area of the supposedly solid structure now sunk further in.

  You suddenly realize what happened. He managed to hit the secret button with his nose! You turn to a groaning Jimin with a huge smile, excited at the idea that you actually found something. "Jiminie! You found it!"

  He looks at you from the corner of his coffee-colored eyes. "Does it look like I-"

  He's cut off when Taehyung runs into the corridor, buzzing with excitement. "Mi Sun! Something opened in your parents room! What did you do?" He then notices the two lumps on the floor and Jimin clutching his nose. "Er...what happened? Min, you alright?"

  You bend over and plant a quick kiss on Jimin's bruised nose, flashing him a smile. "I'll come see in just a minute."

  As you race back into the room, you hear Jimin mumble "Think if I broke it, I'd get a real kiss?"

  Inside, Namjoon's legs are sticking out from underneath the bed. "Mi Sun?" he calls when you enter. "Look what we found!"

  He shimmies out and stands up, clutching a small paper in his outstretched hand. You take it from him and quickly fix his rumpled hair.

  "We actually found something, Joon! I wonder what it is," you muse, genuinely intrigued. You thought this whole thing was a wild goose chase and ended up finding a secret compartment.

  "C'mon, let's head home before we open it up. I think we'll be able to get Chim some ice for that sore nose, too," Namjoon chuckles, leading you outside with an excited look in his eyes.

  As you shut the door behind you, Jungkook's laughter rings out in the hallway.

  "Ha! Sucker! You got hit real good the third time!"

  "Yah, I'm older than you! Didn't you learn any respect?" Jimin shouts back.

  "Are you saying that I'm incapable of teaching good manners?!"

☆Hi guys! ^-^ hope you all had a wonderful week!

  I spent an hour in my room watching 'Try Not To Laugh' BTS compilations and almost died of the pain in my stomach after laughing so so hard 😂😔

  I can't be the only one who watches those just to laugh and not to win lmao

  They're so dorky and cute hehe that's why we love them 💞

  I attached the video I watched and 😂 it was so funnyyy (even tho I've seen all the clips :P)

  Have a great day my lovelies and stay safe :*

  -SugaKookies05 ♡

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