Parties & Urgencies

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  You pick out light blue ripped jeans and a long sleeved black top with flared sleeves. You slip on your clothes and quickly glance at the antique clock hanging from your wall.

  1:00 p.m.

  You had slept in, marking a new record, since you plan to stay late at HQ, training.

  You pick up your phone from where it was charging and call Jae Hwa.

  "I'm coming over in 20 minutes. Have lamb skewers."

  "Anything else, your Majesty?" Jae mocks you.

  "Hmm," you think, "How about brownies? Your mom's?" You unashamedly beg.

  "Fine. Now get your thick skull over here!"

  You close the phone, grinning.

  As you pull and push your pop-socket, humming, you ram your slim feet into beige sandals and grab your long coat.

  You also get your Gucci handbag- because who isn't a Gucci fan? You stop in front of the full length mirror on your front door.

  Nonexistent curves?

  Ugly hair in a bun?

  Decent clothes? That hopefully, but probably don't, match?

  You walk out the door and pause at Jimin's door. You hesitate, but quickly move on.

  You have no interest, you lie to yourself.

  You make your way to your car, singing off key with your annoying voice that everyone says is alright and pretty good.

  Yeah right.

  You drive to Jae Hwa's house, turning on the radio.

  "And Iiiiiii-e-iii will always looooooove foooood!" You screech as you pull into your best friend's driveway.

  You knock on her front door, fully changing your demeanor to a polite and charming one.

  As if you knew, Jae's mother opens the door, smiling. "Ah! Mi Sun, my little girl! Please, come in. Jae-ah is in her room. You requested brownies are on the table."

  You smile with politeness and embrace the woman in your arms. "Eomma! So nice to see you again, and thank you."

  She chuckles and nudges you in. "No need to be Ms.Perfect. I can hear your screams and odd sounds in Jae's room from the kitchen down here." She winks as you blush.

  Well, it was worth a shot.

  You run to your friend's room, shedding your coat and shoes at the top of the staircase.

  As you move to open the door, however, the door is flung open and a bumbling baboon reaches out and grabs you, pulling you in while shrieking.

  You are thrown on the bed as the baboon jumps next to you.

  The baboon by the name of Jae Hwa.

  "Aish, remind me why we are friends again?" You rub your spinning head.

  Jae's giddiness changes to an arrogant and obnoxious mood. "Well, if I remember correctly, a certain crying weirdo approached me in kindergarten and begged me to play with her, because no one else talked to her. And then I'm pretty sure at the end of the day I unwillingly knew your favorite cereal, your dream pet, the color of your underwear-"

  "Okay, okay!" You slap your hand on her mouth, you face flushed red as you roll your eyes.

  Jae just laughs and lays down on her bed, arms to her sides and her legs at a 90 degree angle on the wall. "I called you for a reason, Sunny."

  You raise your eyebrow. "Well? Spill."

  "So remember how I told you about my job in Song Enterprises?"

  "Mmm?" You hum in reply, watching the door creak open as Shadow prowls in.

  "Well, the higher ups are having this meeting with these other important businessmen for some deal on the top most floor."

  Shadow jumps onto the bed, purring and curling up in your lap. "So?" You subtly pry.

  Jae Hwa clenches her fists, pushing her cheeks in as she tries to contain her obvious excitement. "They also decided to have an additional celebration if the meeting goes well, which it is almost guaranteed it will be. It, in simplest terms, is a controlled party!"

  You run your fingers through the soft, fine hairs on Shadow's head stopping near the base of her left ear. You raise your eyebrow. "Hooray. I'm so happy that some fancy people will get drunk formally."

  "Pabo! I am invited and can bring one other person! So I picked you!" Jae all but screams.

  "Wae?" You bluntly state.

  Jae Jae gives an exasperated sigh.

  "I mean, I guess I like myself...just kidding, I freaking love myself!" You pause and are about to flip your hair- but this isn't a KDrama. "But like, why would you do that to yourself?" You ask, concerned for your friend's mental stability.

  Jae slaps your leg. "Aish! Just get a dress and some other stuff-"

  "A life?" You dryly interrupt.

  "And be at my house this Thursday," she continues unaffected.

  "But today is Tuesday!" You whine, but your phone rings abruptly.

  You excuse yourself and walk into the guest room.

  The ID reads 'Mushy Banana.'

  Ah, Junseo.

  "Oppa, I said I'll come after lunch," you mumble, slightly annoyed. Your thoughts are still wandering over the offe- order of going to the party. Song Enterprises is no joke and you know this will be high class.

  " that's why you need to be there. It's urgent."

  "Um, what?"

  "What do you mean? I was quite clear."

  "No, I legitimately ignored you."

  "I swear- alright. You know what? Come to HQ in half an hour. If you want, I'll send Dae-Jung to pick you up at Jae's."

  "Fine. Yeah, send him." You grumble.

  You drag yourself over to Jae Hwa's room and sigh dramatically. "I have to go. Feed me."

  "There'll be a carrot or something in the fridge."

  You sigh more dramatically.

  "Two carrots?"

  You collapse on her lap.

  "Aigoo, there lamb skewers on the counter."

  You squeal and shimmy downstairs.

  Just as you are about to place your foot on the last marble step, you realize something.

  What would you wear?

  You run back up and burst into your best friend's room, chest heaving up and down magnificently.

  "Jae Jae, what will I wear?" You all but scream.

  Jae Hwa is now curled up around Shadow, tentatively touching her tail. "Ask your brother. As far as I am concerned, you should be there. And look pretty."

  You roll your eyes as you hear knocking down stairs.

☆Heyyyy! So I have been SO busy it's unreal. But I made sure to have this chapter out ;)

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-SugaKookies05 ♡

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