Attacks & Shocks

310 21 17

  You pull away from Namjoon, smiling at him as he does the same. With new strength to keep you sane, you turn to watch Jae Hwa, trying to keep the huge waves of pain at bay as she hunches over, body convulsing.

  You squint your eyes as you realize she's muttering something, straining your ears. "No, no, no, no. No. No," the half-turned female stammers, mumbling and shrieking as she grabs her hair. "No," she repeats, yanking out a handful of bloody, tangled hair as you wince at the horrible sound. She licks her lips hungrily, tongue darting out at the fresh blood still there. "No!" she screams again.

  Turning away as you bring a hand to your stomach, you scan the four people huddled over Lisa's unconcious body. Taehyung is monitoring her breathing, keeping a knife in his hands as he presses on her bloody wound. Hoseok and Jimin are on the other side, gently murmuring amongst themselves as they glance at Jennie's trembling frame, her large eyes pooling tears.

  Behind you, you faintly hear the rest of the boys and girls discussing possible plans of actions, though you know all of the ideas will be pointless. You rub a thumb along the very hot vial in your pocket, trying to persuade yourself to be less distraught at the thought of the swirling golden substance. There is a way out of all of this.

  But it's almost impossible.

  If you can just get close enough to Jae to inject her with the Cure, she'll be free. But if you're even three feet in her direction, you'll be ripped to shreds before you can blink. And what about David? What will you do when he turns?

  Movement dashes across the corner of your vision, making your head jerk to the place where you saw the brief flash. Your heart stops as you watch, unable to move, as Jae Hwa hurls herself at the backs of Jimin and Hoseok, the two momentarily looking away.

  "No!" The scream rips through your constricted throat, sudden adrenaline gushing into your body as you sprint and jump, squeezing your eyes shut as you crash into Jae's body before her outstretched hands can touch the boys.

  "Mi Sun!" Dae-Jung's deep voice shouts, panic in every syllable.

  You keep your eyes closed, shaking at the thought of looking into your friend's gaping, bloody mouth. Her nails sink into your skin as you scream, her arms thrashing you around on the ground as her tears wash your face.

  "Stop, stop, please, stop," Jae is rambling, only cutting off as a sob escapes her when she twists her hands into your hair, pulling harder as you shriek. The pain is engulfing you, piercing nails drawing out your warm blood as tears stream down your face.

  "What can we do!? We can't let her die!" You faintly hear the shouts and crying of your friends, the sound of Hoseok's shocked sobs making your lips tighten.

  You jerk your head up just as Jae brings her's down, teeth bared. She howls and backs away enough for you to twist and grab the Cure from your pocket.

  This is it. You can save her, save them all. You can do it.
  But before you can stab the needle into her, Jungkook's powerful holler makes you stop despite the strong urge to move.

  "Get off!" His normally smooth and gentle voice is raw and rough, pain and wild fear making your heart squeeze as you open your eyes to see his figure tackling Jae off of you.

  Her nails drag through your skin before detaching, leaving your body limp and shaking on the ground, bloody and in tears. "N-No," you whisper hoarsely, more salty water leaking from your dull eyes. "Kookie, wait."

  But he doesn't hear you as he throws punch after punch at the barely affected girl, teeth gritted as he pants, streams of tears tracing patterns down his beautifully broken face.

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