Strategies & Confusion

435 31 9

  "Quick, over here!" You gesture rapidly with your hand and Jungkook sneaks over at the sound of your fierce whisper.

  The two of you are pressed together in the tight but manageable space behind the pantry in the kitchen. You hold your breath and feel Jungkook's muscles tense against you as footsteps sound out from the kitchen entrance.

  You bite your lip tightly to keep from bursting out in laughter at the excitement, fear and thrill coursing through your veins. You love an exhilarating game, it's like riding a roller coaster.

  But you can't get caught, not now. Jimin, also a Robber this round, is already sitting uselessly in the dungeon after getting caught hiding behind the curtains. Everyone knows the curtains are the worst place to hide.

  You shake your head, bringing your focus back to the game. You guys, the Robbers, are so close to winning the round. You wait, holding your breath, as the footsteps pad away to another room.

  Jungkook relaxes, letting out a sigh before turning to you. His lips brush your forehead from the proximity and he immediately takes a couple steps back, a dust of pink on his cheeks.

  "Yeah," he whispers, "um, what is it?"

  You turn to him with excitement in your eyes, mind already mapping out the best strategy. "I bumped into Hoseok Oppa and he told me he heard  Yoongi Oppa and Namjoonie Oppa talking about the object's location!"

  Jungkook looks at you with incredibly wide eyes, a smile of disbelief creeping onto his face. "What?! No way! Those two are the worst cops," he laughs softly, remembering to stay quiet.

  You giggle in agreement. "They actually said where it is! The pillow is in Jin Oppa's room!"

  Jungkook gasps dramatically, clutching his heart as his eyes fill with dread. "Wait, which pillow did they decide again? Not his pink collectible one..?"

  You confirm his fear with a nod. The Cops had told you what the object was at the start, but not where. That was your mission, after all: to find the hidden object.

  "That's not fair, the pillow can't be in his room! We're not supposed to bother Hyung at all or else he won't make cupcakes," he protests and juts his pink bottom lip out.

  You poke his cheek, mentally cooing as he smiles shyly. "Chin up, you have me! We both know Jinnie Oppa won't kill me if I come."

  The male gives you a look. "I don't know, Hyung can be a bit..."

  You set your mouth in a determined line. "Kook, we have to win this. It's the best opportunity! Look, I'll go try and grab the pillow. You go and find Hoseokie Oppa and lure away any Cops on the top floor."

  Jungkook chews his lip in thought before nodding slowly. "Fine, sounds good. Make sure to watch out for Tae, he can be really sneaky. We won't bust Jimin Hyung out yet, okay?"

  You give him a thumbs up before pushing him out of the space. The two of you silently sneak out and quickly slide behind the island. You peak around and see the living room looking eerily empty.

  You turn back and give Jungkook a nod and the two of you slip out of the kitchen, feet silent on the cold floor. Jungkook takes the hallway to find Hoseok while you skirt away to go upstairs.

  You pass the bathroom, its door wide open, and see Jimin laying down in the white tub with a sullen face. Of course Yoongi thought it'd be funny to keep the bathroom as the dungeon. The boy catches sight of you and his brown eyes light up before widening in a silent plea.

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