Meeting & Surprises

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  "You look just like him. Your father's strength is in your eyes," the man says softly, eyes warm. "And you have her smile."

  "She does, doesn't she? Your mother and I were good friends before all this; she is the sweetest person I've ever met," his wife chimes in, a smile ghosting her lips.

  "How are they? Did your father send you? Did they come along?" Bang Si-hyuk asks rapidly, peering around as if your parents would appear behind you.

  You look down, avoiding their gaze and feeling your throat clog up. "I- um, h-he-"

  You look up, helplessness filling your eyes as you stare at the man in front of you, hands in fists as you rack your brain for a way to tell him.

  His smile drops. A flash of pain passes through his old eyes. " said you're the Mafia Queen? Is he...?"

  You nod, a tightness in your chest at his sorrowful expression. From behind you, a hand squeezes yours reassuringly.

  "Your mother..?" the woman questions hesitantly.

  "She's fine, but she's away in hiding," you tell them as they release breaths of relief. You stand quietly, unsure of where to go from here.

  Bang Si-hyuk finally looks up, forcing a smile and lightening his voice. "Last I saw your father, your mother was pregnant with baby Junie. It's crazy to think they had a little girl and I didn't know. How's he doing?"

  You squeeze your eyes shut. This is equally painful and frustrating. Do you really have to go through each loss separately and slowly today?

  "Ugh," you hear Yoongi murmur, voicing your thoughts.

  "Junseo was a brilliant King and he paved the way for us. He's resting now, after serving for many years," Namjoon answers, his short but meaningful reply satisfying you.

  "Ah, I see. The Mafia world," he mutters regretfully. "I pleaded with your father to not go back, begged him to go into hiding with us...but he was always stupidly brave," the older man sighs. "Wanted to follow his ancestor's footsteps and restore Korea through the messy world of gangs."

  "He didn't want his children in it, I can tell you that," the woman adds. "But I think he will be happy knowing that the fight is continuing."

  "Speaking of continuation," Jin jumps in, disarming the couple with a charming smile. "Hello, I'm Jin. Actually, our visit here was quite specific, although it has been very informative so far."

  Bang Si-hyuk chuckles quietly, not bothered by the swift changing of subjects. "You know what you want, don't you, son?"

  "Always!" Jin replies cheerily, drowning out the somber mood.

  "Well, I don't think I need to guess too much for what you need. Unfortunately, your journey might've been a bit of a waste. Thanatos is not with me," the man says apologetically.

  You exchange a glance with Namjoon. "Actually," you begin, "we aren't concerned with Thanatos currently. We're here for the Cure."

  Bang Si-hyuk immediately pales. "I'm sorry, I don't know what that is-"

  Yoongi cuts him off, lips curling into a smirk. "No offense, but I can see why you didn't join the Mafia world. Lying really isn't your thing, so help us out and just tell us where it is."

  "We've come far to get to this point, and we simply cannot leave without that Cure. It is crucial to the survival of the human race and we are in an extremely difficult situation right now," Hoseok adds, a frown on his face as the seriousness of the moment brings out a sense of brisk formality within him.

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