Chemicals & Gunshots

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  "Jungkook! Open up!" You plead, facing the bathroom door with no hope. You've been trying to get in for ages but the boy seems to enjoy making you wait.

  "I'm, uh, brushing my teeth!" His voice resonates from inside, still husky from waking up.

  "You've said that twice before." You point out in faint irritation at his childish behaviour.

  "Shaving?" He tries.

  "You're a freaking five year old when it comes to that, I swear-" your rant is cutoff by a yell from downstairs.

  "Jeon Jungkook! Mi Sun! Breakfast is ready!" Hoseok shouts joyfully.

  "Come while we're still young." Another voice mocks alongside; Yoongi, of course.

  "Jungkook! Please!"

  He snickers. Brat.

  You get an idea, a cringey one, but an idea nonetheless. "Jungkook Oppa!" You say in a whiny voice. "Don't make me wait!"

  You hear footsteps approaching your door and you do a victory dance. It worked! You lured him out using his worst fear- at least, that's what you are betting on.

  As he unlocks your side of the door, you plaster a grin on your face. It doesn't last long. The sight in front of you makes sure of that.

  All traces of enthusiasm and playfulness have vanished from Jungkook's face. You can't describe it as cold, but more reserved.

  He pulls himself up taller and calmly speaks. "Don't call me that."

  You avert your gaze from his eyes. "My bad. I just wanted you out sooner."

  Jungkook sighs and shakes his head to clear his face. "I'll wait by the stairs, just hurry up."

  In seven minutes and twenty-six seconds, you manage to shower, change, brush your teeth and throw your hair into a loose bun.

  You stumble downstairs with Jungkook following you closely behind, still a bit stiff.
  Breakfast is pleasant and simple, the main conversation compromising of Namjoon giving out orders.

  Some of the stuff he said confuses you. 'Shooting Gallery?' 'Technical?' The equipment and space needed for such things couldn't possibly be in the house, could it?

  "Taehyung," Namjoon's voice finds a way into your ear. "Take Mi Sun and show her your lab first. I want her to be able to get a look at everyone's post for today before she leaves. I'm aiming for after lunch to see her off." Namjoon glances at you for any objection but you just smile and nod in agreement.

  "Okie dokie!" Taehyung chirps with a boxy grin directed at you. He downs his glass of milk and starts jogging towards the staircase, a bit of milk still on his upper lip.

  He ushers you towards the stairs and then under them. You watch, puzzled, as he places his hand on a square piece of wall with a faint outline. As you look, the line glows purple faintly and then the whole square panel swings inwards with a soft whoosh.

  Taehyung smirks at your amazed expression. "A lair under the stairs." You struggle to keep your jaw from dropping.

  You step into the long hallway with Taehyung behind you. The hall itself is made of polished steel with glass doors lining the side. Light floods the hallway with no visible source. Taehyung leads you to the one on the end and presses his hand on another, smaller panel next to the door. It glows purple and the door opens with a hiss.

  The room inside is huge and spacious, lined with four long, metal tables. The two in the middle have shelves going up a peice of metal inserted in the middle of each table. Bottles, flasks, test tubes and other various apparatus clutter the shelves. Beakers with different colored liquids rest on the tables.

  The two tables lining the far walls are empty, except for the one on the right. Taehyung approaches it, walking jauntily and his smile proud. "This is my lab! I work here as Raven's own scientist. I can make anything. Poisons, gases and injections- even the occasional addition to some chemical warfare."

  "Neat," you say as you examine the factional distillation experiment set up on the table. Chemistry is one of your favourite subjects, but you never were that good- as good as Taehyung must be.

  "Over here I'm finding out some of the components in this new chemical. It was introduced very recently and is highly fatal with even one drop being ingested or breaching the skin." He waits for you to ask a question.

  You give in. "How did you get your hands on it? I presume this chemical can only be one thing-"

  "Lillith." Taehyung finishes. "As for how, we have Junseo Hyung to thank for that. Remember that late night in the alley?"

  You have a small flashback to the time where you gave Taehyung back to Raven, along with a black mystery bag.

  "That bag...Oppa was in possession of Lillith? And he gave it away?!" You're bewildered at how he gave such a deadly weapon to his enemy. Lillith was released mysteriously into the Mafia world only a month or two ago and it's basically impossible to get your hands on it unless you are the top gang- or the secret manufacturer of this nightmare.

  "Go easy on him. He didn't really have a choice. He had to trust Namjoon Hyung, who told him that we won't use it for bad."

  As you think over this, Taehyung fiddles with the chemical. It's a liquid at room temperature; a dark, harsh twilight in color. Its murky swirls twist your thoughts in a way you can't describe.

  "Well, this will probably take a few days," Taehyung taps the distillation flask with his slender fingers. "Let's go drop off some of my newest creations to Yoongi Hyung. He's in charge of the weaponry, by the way. We work together a lot."

  You listen closely to his words, adjusting your phone in your pocket slightly so as to catch every word.

  Taehyung picks up a green cloth bag on one of the center tables and walks out of the brightly lit, enrapturing laboratory.

  You let him lead you to the door directly to the right of his, on the right side of the corridor. He places his hand on the panel and it glows purple before the door slides open.

  A loud gunshot rings out in the cold silence, causing Taehyung to recoil harshly from the force and crash to the ground with a resounding thud.


  Wattpad had a major glitch with connecting to servers, as some of you may know. It totally knocked me out.

  I'm sorry once again as I couldn't even open the app. So as redemption, here's a dandy ol' cliffhanger ;)


Its prolly stupid but... I entered this book in the Wattys for fanfiction. Please please vote and support me it would be a dream come true.

  Thanks for sticking around :)

  -SugaKookies05 ♡

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