Chaos & Presents

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  "So, there are 4 teams. Two assault teams, one back up and one for the sneak attack on the ship. The teams will be headed by Namjoon, Black Dove, Sarah and I." Junseo explains to all the members in the room. Everyone came in for one last run through before suiting up for the mission.

  You glance at Sarah in surprise at her position in this mission and she beams with pride.

  Namjoon takes over. "My team will consist of Jungkook, Dae-Jung and myself. We will be 1 of the 2 frontal assault teams. The other will be Black Dove's team: her, Taehyung and Yoongi."

  Junseo nods towards Sarah. She motions towards to two people. "Hoseok Oppa and Jimin are on my team. Since Hoseok Oppa is good with tech and I am good with explosives, we will be the team to rig the ship. Jimin will provide us protection, since his melee skills will be good in the close-quarters of the ship."

  Namjoon claps his hands together. "The back up team is led by Junseo, accompanied by Jin Hyung and Gyeong Hyung. They will provide medical attention and more fighting support."

  "That sounds good. Taehyung and Jimin Oppa, are you guys good at hand-to-hand combat?" You comment.

  Taehyung grins. "I guess you'll have to see us in the fight to properly judge."

  Junseo nods his head in approval. "These two are very good in combat and the usage of guns, knives- the works. Don't worry, Black Dove. You have a good team, right Namjoon?"

  Namjoon hums in agreement. "Now, get your gear ready and suit up. Sarah has outfits ready for each team, yes?"

  "O-oh yes! Of course!" She says hurriedly, flustered at being talked to by such a powerful Mafian figure.
  "Here, you guys. Try them on and tell me if they're good!" Sarah hands out a folded pile of clothes to each team leader. "The assault teams have special suits made with built-in gun holsters and extra features to help during combat. The support team has many pockets to hold different first aid materials, as well as their own holsters and minibomb dispensers- for a guerilla warfare type attack."

  You widen your eyes. "Won't that be dangerous?"

  She shakes her head. "They can explode the ground around a cluster of enemies, knocking them off their feet. Think of it as a temporary stun so you get the upper hand."

  She tucks the last pile underneath her arm. "The cleanup crew has a special suit I designed with the help of Jin Oppa. That includes built in thermal scanners and a pack of tranquilizer darts."

  Junseo hums appreciatively. "Go change now. Each team also has a specific color."

  You head into the hall of changing rooms and enter one. You take off your clothes and slip into the soft and sleek material, the black bodysuit hugging your body. It's an ankle to neck suit, equipped with gloves and a collar that doubles as a face mask.

  You examine yourself in the mirror outside. It isn't a second skin, but your curves are more defined. Your team color is blue, as shown by the two stripes on each side of your leg.

  "You l-look nice." A shy voice says from behind you. You look into the mirror and see Jimin blushing slightly. You giggle.

  "Thanks, Jimin. You look nice, too." You lied. He looks great, his abs peeking out by the stretched fabric.

  He opens his mouth before another voice jumps in. "This will be so exciting! We are going on our first mission as allies! And we all have the most epic costumes!" Hoseok does a little dance behind you.

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