Disbeleif & Wonder

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  "Ta-Taehyung!" Your voice comes out as a strangled cry. You lunge and grab his head to prevent it from hitting the ground along with his body. Your utter shock blocks out the sound of a sharp 'ping'.

  You whip your head around to see Yoongi with a sleek, silvery gun in his hand which in turn is aimed at Taehyung.

  Your mind is spinning. What the hell? What's happening?! Why is Yoo-

  Taehyung suddenly sits up scowling. He peers at his navy blue shirt and groans. "Hyung, next time warn me! I liked this shirt."

  He stands up and stalks into the room, pissed. You remain on the floor with your mouth agape and eyes wide. The males seem to forget your presence.

  Yoongi turns around and grabs the younger's arm. "How was it? There was minimal recoil for me, so what was the force on you? Did it push you more than the previous model?"

  "Hyung, this one is better. By a long shot. The force was concentrated on a smaller area. More pressure."

  Yoongi nods thoughtfully and examines the beast in his hand before his eyes slide over to your form on the ground. The already pale man goes paler.

  "Uh...hi?" He tries.

  You shoot to your feet. "Wh-what was that? How is he...is he okay?!"

  Yoongi sighs and shakes his head while looking down. "I can't tell you anything, except that he's fine. Look just," he looks in your eyes firmly yet apologetically, "don't ask, please."

  Shook, you nodded slowly and walked in after Yoongi.

  This room is long and wide, forming a rectangle. At the head, where the door is, there is another door to the left leading somewhere else. The rectangular room is empty and pristine with yet again an unknown light source.

  Taehyung avoids your eyes as if knowing what your next question will be. You just can't understand. It's impossible. You can't live after a shot to the chest, much less get up right after perfectly normal.

  You need to know something. "Are...you human?" You ask cautiously.

  Despite the awkwardness and secrecy, Taehyung barks out a laugh and Yoongi shakes his head while chuckling. "Yes. Yes, I very much am."

  You let out the breath you didn't know you were holding. You can ignore the rest for now. Not forever, but until they're willing to talk. Everything is new, after all- including trust and relationships.

  "Well! Back to what we were doing! Yoongi Hy-" Taehyung starts.

  "Why are you brats here? I was watching you through the cams. Hoping against hope you wouldn't come to my room; but lo and behold." The elder interrupts dryly.

  You shrug when his piercing gaze rests on you, his deep brown eyes directly on your unusual purple ones. You feel your face heat up once they slide away.

  "I finished this new toy I was working on. Combine it with one of your guns and boom! Come take a look, Hyung." Taehyung walks into the next room through the other door. This room is circular and has two steel tables with seats. Lots of shelves and cupboards are arranged around the room. You can spot grenade launchers, stun guns, handcuffs and different assortments of knives and daggers.

  He takes out six vials of a grayish liquid from his bag and opens one carefully at a table. He pours the contents into a petri dish before motioning for you to come closer. "This is designed to spray everywhere when combined with a couple drops of sodium hydroxide, with ten seconds before the whole fireworks action." He balls his hands into two fists in front of his face before spreading the fingers wide.

  Yoongi gives him a look. "So?"

  "So, whomsoever comes in contact with at least three droplets will experience a severe burning sensation across their whole skin, from head to toes." He grins with the same peculiar rectangular smile.

  Yoongi nods his head, impressed but not surprised at Taehyung's intelligence. "Perfect for a quick takedown. I bet the stinging will have them release all weapons instantaneously?"

  "Mmhm! Tested already. Also, I came here to drop off Mi Sun with you." Taehyung grins again but it doesn't quite reach his eyes.

  Yoongi turns slightly and locks eyes with you. "Perfect." He smirks coyly.

  You look down at your feet hoping your hair will hide the wildfire spreading across your face.

  Taehyung waves goodbye before leaving the room. The door slides shut and paves way to a town of silence, its only inhabitants being Yoongi and you.

  You steal a look at the slender male, who is very delicate in looks but not at all fragile. He's wearing a white button down shirt and black tie along with black skinny jeans. You unconsciously drop your gaze to his ethereal hands.

  Your eyes follow his milky fingers as they softly glide up his thigh, spreading and swirling before reaching his abdomen.

  As you watch them crawl up his hard chest, you are oblivious to his sparkling eyes trained your entranced face. His gummy grin grows wider for every second you watch him 'discreetly.'

  Finally, the smooth tips of his fingers make contact with the rough fabric of his black tie, the textures contrasting. In one swift motion, he hooks a finger underneath the band around his collar and loosens the tie. You can't help but intake air in sharply at the beautiful simplicity of his stark white hands on the gorgeous black.

  "Wouldn't want to keep me too tight on the leash, now would we?" He teases with a darker hint and you meet his eyes, startled. "Dont worry, I won't pounce." He growls.

  Then he gives you a quick smile, a soft and friendly one. "I'm in charge of all the weapons of Raven. Come with me and I'll show you what I work on!" He turns around and starts towards one if the cabinets.

  Um...what? You can't stop thinking that this man is seriously bipolar. One moment, dangerous and hot, and then sweet and soft.

  When Yoongi turns around holding a sniper rifle, however, you see a third side of him. The serious, stony one.

  "Let's get started. I'll show you my modifications then take you to try your hand at some of them." After a pause he adds, "We'll have fun later. Promise." He winks and the smirk is back.

  God help you.

  "Ok, Yoongi Oppa. I'm ready." You don't try for a smile since it comes naturally.

☆Heyo! How are y'all?

  Good luck to everyone for exams! Don't be pressured and do your best :* (lucky you, Mendedships with no exams)

  Please vote as this book is in the Wattys! (No chance but whatever lol) Also, pray for yourself because Yoongi's on a roll

  -SugaKookies05 ♡

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