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Hey guys!

So I had an idea I hope you guys will like and participate in.

The next chapter is a special chapter: I will be writing from one of the boy's POV's!

I had originally chosen who's I would write, but then I thought it would be fun to let you guys decide ☺️

So, I'll provide the names and you can comment next to each one (as many times as you want- 1 comment=1 vote).

The character with the most 'votes' will get the next chapter written from their POV!

The POV will be during the time Mi Sun was kidnapped and until Raven find her.

Here are the options:








The voting is open until Friday evening! (November 29th, 2019)

Love you guys and I hope you all enjoy!

PS. The more votes and responses in this chapter, the more special chapters there will be! Also, I had originally planned to write the POV for Yoongi or Jungkook ;)

  -SugaKookies05 ♡

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