Deal with the Devil

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Smut warning! Don't like, don't read.

Dick shifted on his bed, panting at the heat in his stomach. Hell, he was horny. Of course, being an Incubus didn't help. After a life filled with pain and anguish, he'd ended up in hell as the pet of some demon lord, who had decided to make him his personal toy. He'd tease him constantly, but would never give him release. The demon lord was supposed to be returning today, and Dick knew he was in for a night of pain.

"Ready for another round?" A silky voices whispered in his ear. He realized he was bent across the nightstand now, ropes holding his arms out in front of him. "When did you get here?" Dick hissed, pulling against the ropes. "Oh, I've been here. It's so much fun, watching you squirm. You're so ready to burst, aren't you? You want to get release." "Just leave me alone!" "I could do that, but then you'd never get better. Come on, don't you want to be filled? Don't you want to finally come as I pound inside of you?"

Dick whimpered. He just wanted to get rid of the pain. He didn't want to be a pawn in the demon's game, he just wanted to be set free. A hand slid up and down his thigh, stroking the smooth skin there. "I've made my decision. The council has agreed with me as well." "Made your decision about what? Agh!" Dick cried out as a claw broke into the skin, butting through it as if it was butter. He could feel blood dripping down his thigh, and his head felt woozy at the scent of his blood.

It felt like hours before the claw stopped, and Dick could barely breath. "There we go. Just stay still now, and I'll take care of it." "T-Take care of what?" Dick was so confused. A rough tongue started lapping up the blood, thin and forked and painful against the wound. Dick had to stifle his whimpers, trying to hide how the demon had such control over him. He may be dead, but he wasn't giving himself over just yet.

"There." "What did you do?" "I made you part of my company. No other demon can claim you." "Great. Can I go to sleep now?" The demon chuckled. "Of course not. You haven't received my mark yet." "Mark?" "To make you my bride. You'll carry my children, and will sleep with no other demon. You only get to feed when I allow it."

Dick's eyes widened, and started to struggle against the bonds. "Still. You'll hurt yourself." "You've already claimed me, why do you need to make me your bride?!" "Because, no other servant has ever interested me as much as you. I feel we would be a good match. Besides, your beauty is beyond compare. I have never seen anything as perfect pass through here, and I simply have to have it." Dick was shocked. Did the demon lord really think he was beautiful?

Hands gently grabbed his waist, squeezing it as the demon bit down on his shoulder. Dick held back a whimper, but he couldn't deny it felt good. Somewhere, deep in the recesses of his mind, he knew he wanted the demon to take him. He wanted to be his bride. Even with the claws and fangs threatening to break his skin, he wanted everything his lord had to give.

Dick shivered as a hand traveled down, circling around his hole. Slick was dripping out of it at a steady rate, as if begging the demon to go in. "You're so wet, darling. I bet I could just slide in right now, and there would be no resistance. It's so soft, and I haven't even gone in yet." The demon chuckled. "W-What's your name?" "Want something to call out while I fuck you? Very well. My name is Wallace, but you, my dear, can call me Wally."

Dick groaned as Wally pushed his finger in, head hanging as it barged past his muscles. "Look at that, you're opening so nicely for me. Maybe I'll make you my little cock sleeve, take you to all my meetings and make the other lords watch. they'll all watch, but none of them will be able to touch you. What do you think of that?" Dick moaned, pressing back on Wally's fingers.

Wally slid his second finger in, pressing against Dick's prostate. Dick gasped, arching his back as Wally continued his torturous pace. It felt amazing, better than anything Dick had on Earth. Wally was stretching him so nicely, and he couldn't wait to finally be seated on that monster of a cock. He had to be at least eighteen inches, if not more. Dick wasn't sure he could take it, but like hell was he gonna try.

Wally withdrew his fingers, ripping a whine from Dick's throat. "Don't worry, dearest. You'll get what you want soon." Wally purred, pressing his tip to Dick's entrance. "Please, please, just put it in." For a demon, Wally sure was slow.

Dick gasped as Wally slid in, eyes rolling onto the back of his head as the tip reached his chest. He didn't know how it was possible, but he was taking every inch. "That's another thing I love about your body. It changes to fit me. Your organs have moved around, now that I've finally gotten inside of you. Can you feel me, baby? Can you feel my cock inside of you?"

Dick could. He could feel every scalding inch, pressing against him and making him stretch. He could feel Wally's hips, flush against his and begging to destroy him. "H-How are you fitting?" Dick slurred. "Magic. Your body will grow as much as it needs, yet you don't change. Pretty amazing, huh?"

Wally slowly drew his hips back, letting every inch drag against Dick. Dick was shaking, surprised his knees hadn't given out yet. "You ready, sweetheart?" Wally held himself still, only the top inside of him. Dick nodded. "Please."

Wally smirked, thrusting his length inside of Dick. He did it again and again, turning Dick into a pile of mush. Dick let all of his weight rest on the nightstand, letting himself be used for Wally's pleasure. It felt so good, tears were streaming down his face.

"That's it, sweetheart. Call for me." Wally chuckled again, kissing Dick's cheek. He loved being inside of Dick, loved how his walls sucked him inside and tried to keep him there. He loved how slick just gushed out of his body, now sliding down his hips as he thrust into Dick. This was the best Incubus he'd ever know, and he's been there for a million years.

Dick came with a broken sob, collapsing against the nightstand. Wally snapped their hips together, grunting as he came. "Darling, you need to wake up." Wally whispered softly. Dick didn't respond, panting as he tried to come down from his high. Wally sighed, but slid out of Dick and untied him.

Dick woke up in an extravagant bathroom, nested against a warm chest. He could feel warm water too, reaching his neck before it stopped. Where was he? "You passed out. You're with me now." A deep voice said softly. It was then he realized a hand was laying across his stomach, and that he had spoken out loud.

Dick couldn't find it in himself to move, comfortable against Wally's chest. "How do you feel, dear?" "Tired." "I am not surprised. That is the first time someone has entered you since you arrived, yes?" "Yeah. I mean, I've had those toys you have me, but otherwise nothing's been in me." "Good. Now, with my mark, you are my bride. We will be together forever."

For some reason, Dick felt...happy. He wanted to be Wally's bride. He wanted to carry his children. He wanted to be by his lord's side for the rest of eternity. "I thought hell was supposed to be pure torture." "For certain people, yes. But you lived a life of unfortunate circumstances. I managed to convince them to let me have you. I promise I'll make you as happy as I can." Dick smiled at that. He had a feeling life would be interesting from now on.

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