Periods suck!

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Dick was currently curled up on the bed, cursing the world and every person who said periods weren't bad. It felt like the world was caving in on him. His cramps had decided to be a bitch today, and his flow was extremely heavy. He'd been at home, thankfully, so he had all he needed. Well, everything but pain killers. They couldn't exactly buy any, being well known criminals, and they hadn't had a good heist in weeks. He had a heating pad pressed against his stomach to try and ease the pain, but nothing was helping.

"Dickie? You feeling okay?" Wally asked softly. 

"It feels like I'm in the pits of hell." 

"I'll take that as a no." He sat next to Dick, running his fingers through his hair. 

"They fucking suck, Walls." 

"I know. Believe me, I know. If you're complaining about them, they're torture." 

"Damn every person that says they don't hurt." 

"Who was it?" 

"That little brat again. Barb was talking about it to Tim, who got her ice cream, and Damian said she was weak for it." 

"So, you're mad at Damian?" 

"I'm mad at everything." 

"You want some ice cream? Or maybe some chocolate?" Dick nodded.

Wally kissed his forehead, standing up and walking to the kitchen. Dick had a special stash for the bad days, so he just had to grab something from there. He knew Dick was in pain, and he knew it was bad. Dick usually played his pain down, made it seem like it wasn't there. Wally usually knew better. Dick had little tells, signs that let Wally know he was hurting. Dick didn't try to hide anything this time.

Wally came back with a chocolate bar. Dick grabbed it, biting into the cool candy. "Better?" Wally smiled again. 


"I can get you pain relievers, if you want." 

"It's day." 


"So, you'll be spotted and chased down. I'll be okay for now. Just wait a few more hours." 

"If you say so. Lunch is almost ready, by the way. I can bring you some." 


"Will do. You hungry hungry, or just hungry?" 

"In between." 

"Okay. You've got everything you need? Pads, tampons?" 

"Yeah. May need more pads soon, but I'm good." 

"Alright. I love you, Dickie." 

"Love you Walls."

The first day always sucked for Dick. He ended up curled on some piece of furniture, usually under a blanket and always with his heating pad. Wally would bring him snacks and cuddle with him, trying to ease his temperament. Anyone that wasn't Wally was in danger of losing a limb if they messed with him. Anyone who said a word about periods in an insulting way usually was never heard from again. It was for this reason that Dick never went out on his period.

"So, what movie do you wanna watch?" Wally asked as he looked through Netflix. 

"Dunno. You pick." 

"How about...Criminal Minds? I know it's not a movie, but you'll get to laugh at the analysts being wrong." 

"You better not laugh at Reid, though." 

"Never." Wally pulled Dick into his lap, resting his chin on the top of Dick's head. He placed his hand on Dick's belly, gently rubbing at the warm skin. 

Dick found himself drifting off at points, dozing on Wally's chest. The speedster was always so warm, and right now, that warmth was helping him. "Feel better?" Wally asked about fifteen episodes later. 

"Yeah. The warmth helps." 

"It's dark now. I can go and get those pain meds." 

"Stay safe, Walls." 

"Will do, darling. Don't bite anyone's head off." 

"No promises." Wally laid Dick on the couch, tucking the blanket around him.

Dick only had to wait about three minutes. "That was fast." 

"Ran across Tim. He gave me a few pills. Checked for trackers already, and it's clear. Says he carries them around for Barb, and that he kicked Damian's ass in training." 

"As he should." 

"Yep. Says Barb did it too, only she didn't hold back." 

"Tell me she gave him a black eye." 

"Almost twisted his arm, too." 

"Cheers for her." 

"Yep. He told me if you ever need any pain meds, just to contact him." 

"Will definitely be doing that." 

"I love you, Dickie. I know these things suck." 

"I love you too, Walls. And believe me, they do." 

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