Nightmares and cuddles make any night interesting

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Dick shot up with a gasp, holding his chest tightly. It had only been…a dream? No, not a dream. A nightmare. The third one in two days. Dammit, he's been so close.

Dick and Wally had been working on controlling his nightmares. So far, he'd managed to get them down to one a night, but recently he was relapsing. His nightmares were not only getting worse, but more frequent as well. Maybe he should talk to J'onn.

"Dickie? You okay?" Wally croaked, yawning as he sat up. "Yeah. Just a bad dream. Go back to sleep." "That's the second one tonight. Are you sure you're okay?" "I don't know. I don't even know what's causing this." Dick sighed, flopping back down.

Wally smiled, laying down and rolling the raven haired boy onto his chest. "What are you doing?" "Hugging you. Hugs always make things better." Dick chuckled, but leaned into the speedster anyway. "I love you, no matter how childish you get." "I'm not childish!" "Proving my point here." "I'll show you."

Dick giggled as Wally flipped them over, as he was now trapped under the speedster's body. "What are you doing now?" "Making you forget about your nightmare." He replied, leaning down to kiss Dick. His lips were always so soft and sweet, and Wally craved them right now.

Dick nudged his hand under Wally's, entwining their fingers. The kiss was getting more heated as their need grew, until Wally swiped his tongue across Dick's lips. Dick opened his mouth, allowing Wally to slip his tongue in.

"You okay with this?" Wally asked, pulling back to look at Dick. "I don't know. I think I just want to go to sleep." "Okay. That's good with me." "You're sure?" "Yeah. I can save it for another night. Maybe I'll finally get you to scream my name." "Probably not." "I just have to add a little vibration to the party." "You wouldn't." "I would." "You would."

Wally chuckled, rolling them over again and holding Dick close. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" "Of course. If you say you need to stop, or you don't want to do it, we won't do it. I'll always listen to you, Dick. You don't want to do it, so we won't do it." "Thanks Walls. I really appreciate it." "It's common decency. If there's no consent, it's not a good relationship. I don't want that to be the case between us. I'll always listen to you, Dick, because a relationship is supposed to be two sided, not one. Besides, I like hearing your voice."

"Shut up. You're gonna make me cry." "Don't cry. Crying isn't always good for you, and I know you've been getting behind on your water intake." "I was hoping you wouldn't notice." "I did. We're going to be getting that back up soon." "I know we will. Love you, Walls." "Love you too, Dickie."

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