I thought we discussed this!

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"Are you going to be okay in there? There's a lot of omegas." Wally asked as Dick straightened his tie. 

"I'm sure, Walls. There's a reason I had you scent me again." 

"I know, but people ignore that kinds stuff. I don't want you getting overwhelmed." 

"I'll be fine, Wally. I'll bring you back some of those souvenirs you love." 

"You mean the umbrellas in the drinks?" 

"Yep." Dick kissed Wally's cheek, smiling softly. 

"You keep away from the panther claws, alright?" 

"I got it. I love you, Walls." 

"I love you too, Dickie." 

Dick walked out of his room, leaving the redhead on the bed. There had been a little problem last time with Wally and some jealous omegas, so they were keeping him away this time. Wally didn't start it, but he had almost been hurt because of it. To easy Dick's nerves, Wally had agreed to stay in Dick's room, doing whatever his heart desired. Well, almost everything. With Dick out there, he couldn't fuck the acrobat into the bed, but he could do other things like imagining about that.

Dick weaved through the crowd of people, finding his father easily. The tall Alpha usually stood to the side, observing the parties like this. Tim had just turned seventeen, and was one year closer to presenting. Many wealthy families came to try and get in on the Wayne fortune any way they could. Bruce had outright banned any arranged marriages in his family, so they had to get creative. Dick felt for the little guy. He knew what it was like to be swimming with the sharks. Hell, he'd been the first of them to do it. Tim seemed to have someone in mind, but Dick wasn't placing any bets yet. Kryptonians were fickle people when it came to feelings. Clark wasn't bad, but the other two were like lighting an unstable bomb.

Of course, despite the fact that the whole world over knew he was mated, they also tried to get in with him. Not many people liked that he'd chosen another Alpha as his mate, much less another guy, so he had female omegas throwing themselves at him every party. He usually sidestepped and let them fall on each other. He wouldn't normally do it, but he was just about sick of all of it. If Wally wasn't being threatened by every omega here, Dick would stand next to him the whole night, holding his hand and laughing at their desperate behavior.

Dick snuck into the kitchen, where Alfred was finishing the meal for the night. "Hey, Alfie. Got a request for ya." 

"What can I help you with, Master Dick?" 

"Think you could set aside like, two or three of the umbrella decorations? I promised Wally I'd bring him some since he's stuck upstairs." 

"Of course. Any particular colors?" 

"Nah. He loves them all. I just need a few." 

"I will save them for later, Master Dick." 

"Thanks, Alfie. You're the best!" 

"I am simply doing my job, Master Dick."

Dick went back to the party, standing next to Bruce. "Any proposals yet?" He smirked, sipping on a glass of water. 

"Not yet. What about you?" 

"I haven't gotten into the middle of that mess. Where's Tim?" 

"The lion's den. I've been keeping an eye on them, so they don't try to pull anything with him." 

"That's good. Poor kid. He's stuck in a crowd of those claws." 

"Don't remind me."

Bruce took a sip of his drink. "You know, you and Wally have a good relationship. I'm sorry he couldn't be here." 

Dick shrugged. "It's for his safety. Besides, he only liked these things because I was here. I don't trust those girls around him, though. Families will do anything to get money." 

"Believe me, I know. Just be careful yourself. Desperate people will do anything." 

"Yeah. I told Wally to call me if he needs me."

Dick's phone started ringing. "Speak of the devil. Hey, babe." 

"Need help, Dickie!" 

"Walls?" "

Some of those girls got up here, and are currently trying to rip my head off! Please hurry!" The call ended abruptly. 

"What's wrong?" 

"Those girls got upstairs. They're trying to get to Wally right now. I've got to get to him." 

"I'll get the fathers, see if they can control them. Do what you can right now." Dick nodded, weaving his way to the stairs.

Dick turned the corner to see a mob of girls outside of his room. They were clearly frustrated, and they were trying to kick the door out. "That's property damage." Dick stated, getting between them and the door. 

"Get out of the way. We don't want to hurt you." 

"Sorry, ladies, but my mate is in there. I'm not letting you hurt him." 

"You have no mate." 

"Yes, I do. His name is Wallace, and he's an Alpha, like me. I'm sorry if you don't like that but it's true. I've got the mark." Dick moved his collar, giving the mob a perfect view of his marked scent gland. They hissed at it, backing away.

Dick knocked on the door three times, waiting for Wally's reply. It was a code they had, a way to talk without words. Two knocks responded, followed by a single one. He was okay, but he was rattled. Dick had to keep them at bay for a bit. "No mate. The man in there is a liar." 

"He's no liar. You all see it. You can't ignore evidence. Don't any of you get it? None of you will ever mate us. You can never force us to mate you. It's over for you."

The girls huffed, but ran off when their phones started ringing. Dick had to hand it to Bruce, he had impeccable timing. Dick's phone started ringing as well, and he put it up to his ear. 

"Are they gone?" 

"Yeah. You have a tendency to make a man worry, though." 

"Sorry. I had to find all the fathers. How's Wally?" 

"Rattled. Think I can spend the rest of the night with him? The party's almost over, anyway." 

"Yeah. I'll cover for you. I'll bring those umbrellas up later." 

Dick chuckled. "Thanks, B. I'll fill you in later." 

 "Take care of him, Dick." 

Dick put his phone away, opening the door. Arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him against a chest. "Easy, Walls. The panthers are gone." 

"Panthers? Those things were Chihuahuas! Anger issues and sharp claws and teeth!" 

Dick laughed, pressing a kiss to Wally's forehead. "I'm glad you're okay. Bruce said I could stay up here. He'll bring the umbrellas by later." 

Wally smiled. "What color did you get me?" 

"Don't know. Alfred chose."

In the end, Wally had seven blue umbrellas.

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