Wars are never fun

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Dick felt his throat tighten, his worst fears confirmed. He had been drafted. He was going to fight in the war, and he could possibly die. He would have to kill people.

Training was torture. Even though Dick excelled at everything thanks to training as Nightwing, his higher ups hated him. The other trainees hated him as well, and Dick felt utterly alone. He wasn't getting any mail from his family until the training ended, and he couldn't send anyone anything.

Dick was deployed in the US army, and was sent over to Europe. World War 2 had started, and he was being sent to Germany. He had never wanted to fight in the war, scared of killing. He didn't like to kill.

Dick met Wally West in Europe. They were in the same unit, and they got on like a house on fire. Wally showed Dick how to injure instead of kill, since he did the same thing. Dick was considered the unit's interrogator, and got information on the Axis Power's movements easily.

Dick and Wally fell in love. It was a well kept secret, since LGBTQ+ were looked down upon. Whenever they had to do a raid, they would dance in a secluded place and whisper I love you's, in case they didn't see each other again.

They had been raiding a weapons warehouse when they were separated. Wally had gone back inside to make sure they had gotten everything, despite Dick's protests. Dick had tried to go after him when the warehouse blew up, knocking him unconscious.

Dick woke up in the infirmary, surrounded by some of the other soldiers in his unit. He could recognize all of them, but didn't see Wally. He wasn't dead…was he? No, Wally had gotten out. Wally was extremely quick, and could have made it out.

"Kal? Where's Wally?" He croaked, sitting up. "I am sorry. We searched the warehouse, sifting through rubble for days. We didn't find him." "But, he could be alive. We need to find him." "He is gone, Dick."

"No, he could've gotten out. What about bodies? Were there any bodies?" "There were. We believe one of them was Wally's. He's dead, Dick. He's gone." Kaldur gently hugged Dick, crying softly. Wally's death had hit the whole unit hard, and they all knew Dick would take it the hardest. Despite the couple's best attempts to stay hidden, they'd been spotted a few times. Did any of them care? Not at all."

Dick cried for days. Sure, there were breaks between the crying, but the tears never seemed to stop. He didn't eat anything, and there were times the nurses feared he'd hurt himself. Dick was never left alone anymore.

The war ended, and the unit was sent home. They were surprised to find that many of them loved in the same area. People cheered as they came home, but it didn't reach Dick's ears. Wally didn't receive this, and he was a true hero.

Dick went back to Wayne Manor, full of grief for his boyfriend. Dick's brothers spent as much time as possible with Dick, hugging him and pressing up alone him and telling him about their day. They all hated how broken he was now.

Three weeks after the war ended, a knock came from the door. Dick had been in the living room, but had to motivation to get up. He was holding the picture of him and Wally, staring at the redhead. He missed him more every day.

"Welcome to Wayne Manor. Can I help you with anything?" Alfred asked. "Is Dick Grayson here?" Dick gasped. "Yes, he is. May I know who is asking?" "Wally. Wally West. We were in the same unit."

Dick leapt off the couch, running towards the door. He froze in the hallway, staring at the older boy. It was really him. It was Wally. He knew it, Wally was alive!

"Dick?" Wally smiled, moving forward. Dick ran into Wally's arms, sobbing into his shoulder. "I missed you. I missed you so much." He cried, fingers digging into Wally's shirt. "I know. I'm so sorry, Dickie. I didn't mean to worry you." "I thought you were dead. I thought I lost you."

Dick sunk to his knees, pulling Wally with him. It felt impossible, to have Wally next to him again. He really hoped it was the boy he'd fallen in love with. He'd give anything for it to be true.

When Dick found the strength to stand again, he pulled Wally to his room. The second the door was closed Wally was kissing him again, and Dick knew it then that this was really his Wally. He missed being able to kiss Wally, and he missed the feeling he got whenever they were together. A feeling of perfection, as if Wally was the only thing he'd ever need.

Wally moved in with the Waynes. They knew about the relationship, and eventually learned that Wally was Kid Flash. Dick didn't mind one bit. All he cared about was that he had his boyfriend with him again.

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