Blind as a Bat

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Dick hadn't meant to get so close to the explosion. He was trying to defuse the bomb, but he ran out of time. Wally had managed to get him far enough away so he wasn't blown up, but not far enough that the fire didn't burn his hands nor blind him with the flash of light. And, unfortunately, not far away enough that the two weren't knocked out by the debris field.

Wally woke first, a giant headache accompanying him. He picked himself up with a groan, rubbing his head. Wait, where was Dick? "Dick? Dick, where are you?" Wally called, pushing himself up on his arms. There was no answer, but there was an arm clad in black sticking out from behind a tree.

"No, no, no. C'mon, Dick, please." Wally whispered as he crawled over. Half of Dick's mask had been either torn or burned off, revealing a closed eye. Ash covered his face, his body splayed out. Dick coughed as Wally rolled him onto his back.

"Dick. Answer me, Dick. C'mon, baby, please. Please, don't leave me like this." Wally begged, shaking Dick's shoulders. Dick didn't answer. Wally picked Dick up and ran, just ran towards the mountain. He ignored his comm, which was crowded with voices begging him and Dick to answer.

Wally nearly collapsed in the medbay. He set Dick on the bed as Leslie came in, exhausted. She seemed to see it, and hurriedly caught him as his legs buckled. Wally found himself being laid on a separate bed, Leslie frantically ordering Dinah to take care of...something. It was hard to hear over the ringing in his ears. Wally looked over at Dick, who was still asleep. The last thing Wally saw before falling unconscious was Dinah washing the soot off of Dick's face.

Wally woke up a week later. Dick was still asleep, but had taken more serious damage. Mainly to his eyes. The explosion had temporarily blinded Dick, leaving him dependent on others for some things. Leslie was unsure of when his eyes would heal, just that they would.

Dick woke a few days after Wally. Wally had been getting hopeless, barely able to take the sight of Dick hurt. Dinah and Leslie had wrapped his eyes, but were checking them every day. There had been little progress.

A groan silenced the room of any conversation. There was only Wally, Dinah, the Batfamily, and Leslie in the room, but Dick didn't know that. He couldn't see them. So when Dick woke up unable to see anything, in a room silent besides a heart monitor, he panicked.

Wally held Dick's arm down, entwining their fingers. Dick's bandages rubbed against his skin. "Dick, it's ok. You're safe, you're alright." He whispered in Dick's ear. "Wally? Where...where are you?" "I'm right here, baby. You took some damage to your eyes. It'll heal, but for now, you need to stay down. We're here for you, Dick. But you need to stay down."

Dick pushed off his family and sat up. "Dick, that's not smart. You need to stay down. Rest. You're still weak." Dinah said, trying to lay Dick down again. Dick shook his head. "My back was killing me. I couldn't have stayed down if I wanted to." Dick said, looking in her general direction.

"There was nothing wrong with your back. You may simply be sore. Nothing to worry about right now." Leslie sighed. "Shouldn't he new on pain relievers?" Tim asked. "We had to take him off the relievers so he wasn't as drowsy when he woke. Otherwise, he would be a lot more panicked and a lot less willing to listen to reason." Dinah responded.

Wally sat next to Dick and wrapped an arm around him. Dick leaned into Wally, finding him a solid structure in his uncertain world. Dick was trembling slightly, and Wally couldn't blame him. Dick had just lost one of the most vital senses for crime fighting. He was probably trained for blind battles, but he wasn't trained for normal, everyday life.

"For right now, your senses are still scrambled from being injured and just recently waking up. It would be a good idea to keep you around people who can help you with stuff you can't see." Leslie suggested. "When should we move him?" Tim asked. "I can walk." Dick insisted. "Not without someone guiding you. You'll run into a wall." Jason snapped. Dick wasn't normally one to push himself so soon. He's rest for a few days after waking up, then push himself.

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