We Poly, bois

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A little twist on this ship. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it.

"Dickie! I'm home!" Wally called as he put his keys in the dish. 

"Shh. He's sleeping." Artemis whispered playfully. 

"Well, hello, beautiful. Where did you say our darling little boy was?" Wally whispered huskily, wrapping his arms around her waist. 

"Hmm, cute. He's in the bedroom, sleeping after working a case for the past two days. I finally got him to lay down once I promised I would keep working on it."

Wally sat down on the couch with her, looking over the file. "Wow. No wonder it's been taking him two days. This would drive him insane." 

"Yep. He downed three cups of coffee in two hours. That's when I pulled the plug and made him sleep." 

Wally chuckled, kissing her forehead. "I'm gonna get dinner started." 

"What are we having?" 

"Steak. I figure we deserve a treat, since it's my first night back." 

"How did the mission go, by the way?" 

"Went good. Only one injury, nothing bad, and we got the crooks." 


Wally went into their kitchen, pulling out the supplies he would need. Contrary to popular belief, AKA Barry, Wally could cook pretty well. Steaks were his specialty, and the trio always loved it when they could convince Wally to make it. He knew exactly how everyone liked it, and always made it to perfection. Dick would help sometimes, gathering ingredients Wally needed while he cooked.

"Hey Artie, you mind getting Dickie? I don't want him missing dinner." 

"No problem." Artemis closed the case file, setting it on the coffee table as she went to grab the acrobat. They all knew Dick needed about ten minutes after a nap before he was fully coherent, so it was better to wake him up early. Besides, Wally missed Dick, and it would be nice to see him again.

Dick yawned as Artemis led him to the table, shivering as he rubbed his arms. Artemis had taken his blankets, so he had no choice but to get up. She hasn't even given him time to grab a jacket, pulling him out of the room. "It's cold." Dick said as his teeth chattered. 

"Maybe you shouldn't have been under six blankets." 

"But the room is too cold. The blankets are warm."

Artemis made Dick sit down, ruffling his hair. "Don't worry. You'll warm up." 

"I'll freeze to death, Artie, and it'll be all your fault! What will Wally think?" Dick put his hand on his forehead dramatically. 

"I'll think that I need to get you in my arms again." Wally chuckled as he set the plate down. 

"Wally! You've been gone so long!" Dick reached up, wrapping his arms around Wally's neck. 

"Sorry about that, baby. Mission took a little longer than expected." 

"It's fine."

The trio talked as they ate, giggling at jokes and just happy to be together again. Wally had been gone for almost a month, and had missed his two significant others terribly. They were all glad he was back, especially considering the nature of the mission. He'd been infiltrating a top secret organization, which was widely known for its killing capabilities. Every day had been painstakingly long, with Artemis and Dick wondering if that was the day Wally was killed.

After dinner, they curled up in their bed, watching a movie they'd seen a thousand times before. They weren't really paying attention to it, caring more about each other than the screen. Whether it was Wally pushing Dick to the middle so he could be held, or Artemis reaching over and grabbing Wally's hand, they were all touching in some way. It was nice, just a little sense of normality that they missed.

"So, what are we thinking? A little threesome to end the night?" Wally smirked. 

"Tomorrow. We have the whole off tomorrow. We can do more then." Artemis said, turning off the TV. Dick had fallen asleep again, curled into Wally's side. 

"Alright, tomorrow. I love you two." 

"Love you too, Walls." 

Dick just snored.

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