Redhead Squad

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Wally and Barbara were at their apartment, waiting for Dick to return from his patrol. The youngest member of their trio was late, and he was starting to worry the redheads. He'd only been this late when he was hurt, and they both hated when he was hurt.

A thump finally resonated from the bedroom, although it was a lot heavier than either liked. They leapt up, running to the bedroom to check on Dick. The ebony was laying on the ground, coughing as he held his bleeding side. "Wally, med kit, now!" Barbara slid Dick's head into her lap, pressing down on his hand. "Just hang on, Dickie. I've got you." 

Wally reappeared, the ever familiar med kit in his hands. "I'm going to try to be quick about this, okay Dickie? Just breathe, and try not to move too much."

The next few hours were painstakingly long. Although they'd gotten Dick stitched up and in bed, they had to be sure he didn't move too much and pop his stitches. Both blamed themselves for not being there to save him. Even as he slept, they couldn't help but feel responsible for his condition.

For the next two days, Dick wasn't allowed to be by himself. One of the redheads was always with him, doing every little thing for him, and while he understood they were just trying to be helpful, he was getting a little antsy. He didn't need Wally writing out his reports for him. He appreciated the gestures, but when he had nothing to do, he tended to cause trouble.

"Hey, Babs? Have you seen my left shoes?" Wally asked, searching all over the apartment. 

"No. I was about to ask if you've seen my right socks." 

"Nope. You don't think the dryer ate them, do you?" 

"Why would the dryer eat your left shoes?" 

"I don't know, I'm just throwing out suggestions." 

Dick was laying on the couch, hiding a smirk. He'd been the one to steal their shoes and socks. He was tired of being treated like a baby, and he was about to prove it. He'd already switched the salt and the sugar, hid all of the charging cubes (but not the cords), changed all the passwords to their accounts, and he'd switched the bowls and cups around in their cabinets. He was ready to let the games begin.

Dick watched as the redheads grew more confused throughout the day It started with Barbara and her coffee, which she spat out once she realized it was salt in there. Then Wally, when he needed to plug up his phone, but he couldn't find any cubes. Then both of them, when they tried to log into their hero accounts. Dick had to hold back giggles throughout the day, watching as the duo scrambled around.

"I'm beat. What the hell happened to today?" Wally asked as he flopped onto their bed. 

"Same." Barbara yawned as she followed. Dick couldn't help but snicker, which caught their attention. 

"You little gremlin. It was you wasn't it?" Barbara groaned. 

"What can I say? I was getting bored, and we all know you weren't letting me do anything on my own." 

"So you switched the salt and sugar, and the cups and bowls." 

"Took the left shoes and right socks." 

"Hid all of the cubes." 

"Changed all of my passwords." 

"All because you were bored?"

"That pretty much sums it up!" Dick smiled, giggling at his partners. 

"If it wasn't for that wound on your side, I'd be tickling you to death right now." Wally growled. 

"You know you love me. I just had to get my point across." Dick sat on the bed, grinning at the redheads. 

"Fine. Can we at least have the cubes back?" 

"Sure. They're in a case underneath the couch." 

"We're getting back at you once you're better." 

"I'll be waiting." 

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