I still need you

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Dick had been gone for a year. No one knew where he was, they just knew he was out there. He'd simply disappeared, everything he owned at the apartment. All his trackers were off, and nobody had any idea where he could be.

Most people had given up hope. If the son of a billionaire had been gone for a year, he was most likely dead. No one kept a person for ransom that long. He was probably in a better place now. Wally refused to accept that.

Wally knew Dick was alive. It was a feeling in his gut, something he just knew. He wasn't going to stop looking until either Dick was returned, or he had a body to bury. He was going to get his husband back. Their kids needed him.

Bruce was about to give up when a video was sent to him. He and Wally had been in the cave when his phone vibrated, alerting him to a new message. What caught his attention was the unknown number. "Do you think?" Wally asked, rubbing his wrist. "I do."

Bruce clicked on the video. A dark room came into view, the only sight a bloody body tied to a chair. Wally's breath caught in his throat as he recognized Dick's hair. It was greasy and matted, but only Dick had hair that black. Bruce's hand steadied Wally, sitting him in the Batcomputer chair.

"Hello, Mister Wayne. I believe you're missing something. Something you'd be willing to pay to get back." A distorted voice told them. Someone walked over to the limp body, grabbing the hair and pulling the head up. Dick's pained face came into view, bloodied and bruised. His eyes were clenched shut, and one looked swollen.

"I want five million dollars at the docks tonight. You and his husband, alone. No cops, no heroes, or I will put a bullet in his head. Midnight, Mister Wayne. This is your only chance." The video ended, frozen on Dick's face. The eye that wasn't swollen was cracked, revealing a blue that Wally hadn't seen in forever.

"What do we do?" Wally gulped. "We pay the ransom. Dick is more important than the money, and he's been gone long enough." "Do you think he'll be alright?" "Only if we get him home." Wally anxiously followed Bruce, unable to get Dick's face out of his head. He'd been tortured while he was gone. Even if it was just one session, it had happened, and Wally hadn't been there to stop it.

That night, Wally hugged his kids. "I'm going to be going somewhere tonight. Be good for the others, okay?" "Where are you going?" Adam asked. "It's a surprise. If you're good, I'll give it to you in a few days." John hugged Wally again, leaning close. "Is it Tati?" He whispered. "Yes. But don't tell them." Wally whispered back.

John nodded. He knew Tati hadn't left them. Even though kids at school kept insisting he'd left for a new family, John knew he hadn't. Tati loved them too much. Adam didn't know about what the older kids said, and Gracie had promised not to tell him.

Wally and Bruce went to the docks, Bruce carrying a briefcase. It was a cold night, but Wally barely felt the chill. All he could think about was getting Dick back. After a year of not having his husband, he was getting him back.

A man stepped out from behind the crates, his face covered. "You got the money?" He asked, his voice still distorted. "I want to see him first." He reached for something and pulled it closer. "Satisfied?" He had Dick by the hair, holding it tightly. Wally wanted nothing more than to get him away from Dick, and take Dick home.

Dick's arms were bound behind his back. His body was covered in blood, most of it dried on his tattered clothes. Bruises and cuts covered his body, and his hair fell over his eyes. It was worse than any torture session Wally had seen Dick go through.

"Slide it over." Bruce set the case on the ground, kicking it over. The person smirked. "Pleasure doing business with you." They grabbed the case and ran off, leaving Dick behind. Wally sped over to Dick, untying the restraints. A horrible stench lingered, and Wally wondered if any of his wounds were infected.

"Dick? Can you hear me?" Bruce asked, gently cupping Dick's face. "Bruce?" Dick rasped, opening one eye. "It's me, Dickie. We're going to get you to help." "I just want a shower." "How long has it been?" "However long I've been gone. He didn't let me." Wally and Bruce locked eyes. There was definitely an infection somewhere.

Wally picked him up. He was so much lighter than Wally remembered him being. Dick hissed in pain, hiding his face on Wally's neck. Wally's anger flared up again, and he swore he saw red lining the edges of his vision. "Take him to the Manor. Alfred can take care of him until Leslie gets there." Bruce instructed. "What are you going to do?" "Suit up and follow him. I put a tracker in the briefcase, and I'll be able to find him."

Wally nodded, running off. Dick groaned, grabbing Wally's shirt with an iron grip. "I know, Dickie. We're going to get you help." "I missed you." Dick whispered. "I missed you too, Dickie." "I want to get this filth off of me." "We're going to get you cleaned up. Once you get a little better, I'll bring the kids to you. We'll be together again."

"Did you ever think I was dead?" Dick slurred. "Never. I knew you were out there." "Did you think I left?" "No." "You're telling the truth?" "Absolutely. I know you, Dick. I know you would never do that."

Wally brought Dick to the cave, carrying him to the showers. Cleaning all the blood and dirt off would help Alfred when he was stitching Dick up. Besides, Dick needed one anyway. It would make him feel better.

Wally carefully slid the shredded shirt off, wincing at the wounds. There were so many of them, and all of them were horrible. "Do they hurt?" "More then you can imagine." "The soap will sting." "I don't care. I don't want to be dirty anymore." "Did he…" "No. No, he didn't. I'm just tired of being covered in dirt, blood, and sweat."

Wally washed Dick's body, carefully dabbing around the injuries with a soapy rag. Dick leaned on Wally the whole time, unable to stand on his own. He'd been tied to a chair for half a year, and locked in a basement of some sort for the other. He'd escaped from the basement only to be captured again, which is probably why he was tied to the chair. Less mobility.

Alfred came to help at one point, carrying a towel and an extra pair of clothes. Luckily, most of the injuries seemed old, and had closed. There was one infection, but it was an open wound, which would make it easier to treat. Alfred clearly didn't like the length of Dick's hair, but didn't say anything about it. He knew the avian had no control of it.

After Dick's shower, Alfred brought him to the infirmary. Dick had his shirt in his hands, holding it like it was gold. Wally held Dick's hand as he had wound after wound treated. Despite the fact that he had no pain medicine, Dick looked like he felt better. He probably did feel better, now that he was clean.

After a few hours, Alfred stepped back. "I've done all I can. The only thing left to do is rest. It is good to see you again, Master Dick." "It's good to be back. I assume I'll be down here for a few days?" "To keep you supervised, yes. I shall give you a haircut tomorrow, to trim back that mane." "At least it's not the ponytail again." "Thank goodness for that."

Wally helped Dick into his shirt, kissing his nose. "I love you, Dickie." "I love you too, Wally. Thank you for not giving up on me." "I'll always need you, Dick. I'm never giving up on you." Dick smiled wearily, leaning forward and kissing Wally. Wally smiled, cupping Dick's face. His Dickie was back in his arms.

When Dick pulled back, he yawned. "I think it's time for bed, mister." "It's been forever since I've slept laying down." "I think you'll sleep well. I'll grab a blanket." Wally walked to the closet in the infirmary, grabbing the softest blanket. Dick would love this.

Wally sat next to Dick, throwing the blanket over them. Dick sighed, pulling the blanket close. "Warm?" "Yes." Dick snuggled into Wally, getting the speedster to lay down with him. Wally kissed Dick's forehead, happy to have Dick back. "I love you, Dickie." "I love you too, Wally."

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