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Dick was cold. There really was no other way to put it. His heater had broken, and thanks to the snow storm it would take days before it could be fixed. Wally was on a mission with the team, so his husband was gone. Pongo was cuddling with Dick, but it wasn't helping much.

Dick was currently bundled under every blanket he own, and had his sweater on. Even then, he shivered, teeth chattering as he held onto Pongo tightly. Wally had promised to be back as soon as possible, so maybe Dick wouldn't be cold for too much longer.

Pongo whined and nosed at Dick's face. Humans weren't supposed to get that cold, right? Their lips weren't that weird shade. They didn't shake, either. And his human was curled in on himself, not something he saw often.

Dick reached for his phone, hoping to call Wally and see when he thought he'd be back. The cold air attacked his arm, making him shiver. But, he grabbed the phone and quickly drew his arm back. That felt like it took way too much energy.

Wally's voice was chipper as he answered. "Hey, babe. How are you holding up?" "C-cold. How l-long until you're back?" Dick shivered, putting the phone on speaker and setting it down. "Not long. I just have the mission report, then I'm home. Stay with me, ok? What color are your fingers? Or your lips?" Dick looked down at his hands. "T-the tips are t-turning blue. I h-haven't checked my lips in a b-bit."

"Keep talking to me. How many blankets do you have? Jackets?" Wally sounded concerned. "I'm under all of o-our blankets. I've got my s-sweater on. Pongo is with me." "Still cold?" "The w-weather got worse when you l-left. C-couldn't get the weather station on, a-and the apartment doesn't a-allow fires. It's getting b-bad."

"Just a little longer, babe.  I'm about to talk to Bats. Stay on the line, ok? I wanna hear you." "Ok. How d-did the m-mission go?" Dick's eyes were getting heavier. "It went great. We got the info, and we got out without any injuries. We got caught, but don't we always?"

Dick chuckled, very quiet compared to how he normally laughed. "Hang on, babe. Stay with me." "H-have I ever t-told you how p-pretty your eyes are?" Dick smiled sleepily, eyes starting to flutter closed. "Yeah. You told me it reminded you of a forest. Wanna know what yours remind me of?" "W-what?" "The sky. The birds. The feeling of being free. They really are beautiful." "T-thanks, babe."

A small cough escaped from Dick's body. It slowly grew, until Dick felt like he couldn't breathe. "Dick? You ok there?" Wally asked. "Yeah. Just…cold." "I'm about to head over. Bats heard part of the conversation, and told me to go home. Give me a minute at the most." "Thanks, Walls. S-sorry to pull you away." "Not your fault, babe. How do you feel about going to the Manor? It'll be a lot warmer than the apartment." "I-I think that s-sounds great."

Thirty seconds later, and Dick had a speedster pressing against his back. Dick leaned into Wally, feeling the heat seep into his body. "Better?" Wally asked. "Yes. Much."

Wally could see Dick's lips a startling light blue, his fingers a little darker. Wally grabbed Dick's hands and rubbed them,  getting blood flowing again. "Tell me next time the heater breaks, and I'll be here sooner than this time." "Alright. As long as you don't do anything stupid to get here."

Wally kissed Dick, pulling him closer. "I promise." Dick rolled over, burying into Wally's chest. Pongo snuggled into Wally's side, warming himself up. It felt nice. Wally felt special, warming his family up. "I love you, Dickie. I love you so much." "I love you too, Wally. You're mine." "I'm yours. Now to the end of time."

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