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Wally hadn't seen the darts in time. Three red darts, filled with poison, had been shot at his back. There would have been no way to avoid them.

Dick had seen them. He pushed Wally out of the way, a small gasp escaping as dart after dart punctured his body. He staggered to his knees, pulling the darts out. He could feel the poison already.

"Nightwing!" Wally cried, racing over and cradling his husband. "Babe, stay with me. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." Wally sobbed, brushing hair from Dick's face. Dick moved his hand up weakly, which was grabbed by Wally's and held tightly. "Is not your fault." Dick slurred, eyes fluttering closed.

"Hang on Dick. I'm taking you to the mountain. Leslie will know what to do. Just stay with me, please. I can't lose you." Dick groaned as he was picked up, arms curling around his stomach. "I know, I know Dickie. It'll be better soon." Wally said, racing off.

Leslie immediately got to work, hearing Dick moan in pain. He was pale, and shaking. It felt as if he was on fire. "What happened?" "He got hit with those darts. Three, I think. H-He's really bad." "I see that. Wally, I want you to sit down for the moment, you can sit next to the table, but sit. You need to calm down, alright?" Leslie said gently, pulling her chair from her desk.

Wally dropped into the hair, head in hands. He trembled as badly as Dick, scared of losing his husband. Dick meant the world to him. Without him, there was nothing. Wally didn't have much of a reason to live.

After an hour, Leslie sighed. "I've done all I can. Because there was so little poison that actually got out of the darts, it's turned into a very bad fever. 107.4, to be precise. Can you get ice?" Wally nodded and stood up, glancing at Dick.

Dick had a breathing tube under his nose. There was an IV hooked into his arm. He was still pale, and he was still shaking. But he was safe. Wally sped off, going to get the ice. He wanted to do all he could to help Dick.

When all the ice is stacked around Dick's body, then does Wally start to relax. Dick looks a lot more comfortable, leaning into the ice. Wally brushed the hair out of Dick's face, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. "I love you, Dick. Please come back to me. I don't want to lose you. You're my best friend." Wally whispered, grabbing Dick's hand. It was warm, yet cold at the same time.

Dick slept for three days. Wally barely slept during that time, only eating because Leslie forced him to eat. He watched as Leslie slowly removed the ice, bag by bag, hour by hour, making sure Dick was alright. Dick temperature had gone down considerably during the nighttime, turning into a 102.4 fever. He was set to wake up soon.

It was ten AM when Dick woke the fourth day. Wally, now joined by Bruce, had been waiting by Dick's bed when they heard the soft groan. Dick's eyes had fluttered open, his body wincing at the light. Wally gently shushed him, running his fingers through Dick's hair.

"Wally?" Dick croaked. "It's me, babe. You're at the mountain. You got really sick because of the poison." "Oh. Guess that explains why I feel like I got run over five times." "You won't be feeling like that for long. Are you hungry?" Dick shook his head. "I feel like I might throw up."

"You still need to eat something. It doesn't have to be large, but you need to eat." Bruce jumped in, grabbing Dick's other hand. "I don't think it'll stay down. I'd rather not throw up, if I can help it." "I know. But you need to eat something." Dick sighed, but nodded.

Wally managed to get Dick to eat an apple, saddened that Dick couldn't eat more. Dick shuddered with every bite, waiting a few seconds before he bit into the apple again. Bruce watched carefully, waiting for a sign that said Dick would throw up.

Dick finally put the apple down, curling up. Wally pet Dick's head, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Get some sleep, Dick. You're safe." Dick closed his eyes, making Wally smile. Dick was adorable.

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