Rewrite the stars

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Wally and Dick had been fighting lately. No one really knew why. Many doubted the friends themselves knew. Things had just been tense between them, like during the Invasion. It seemed like there was a new fight every day. Many were surprised Dick hadn't slammed Wally into the ground.

Now they were being forced to work together. Something was going on at Haley's circus, and Dick wanted to fix it. Of course Wally just had to come along instead of staying away like he had last time. To make matters worse, they were sharing a compartment.

It was after a performance that Wally went to find Dick. He was in the big top, checking ropes and making sure his equipment was perfect. "What do you want?" Dick snapped, tightening the rope around a large pole. "I came to find you." "What now? Did I leave a piece of glitter somewhere?"

Dick moved to the next pole, untying the rope. "No, not that. Dick, I'm sorry about recently." "You're sorry? You weren't sorry the other day when you called me a selfish jerk who cared any nobody. You weren't sorry when you talked about my parents." "Dick, I never should've said those things." "Then why did you? Why bother me at all if all you're going to do is say it was fake?"

Wally grabbed the rope, pulling Dick back towards him. "I'm trying to tell you I love you." "Sure haven't acted like it." Dick tried to walk away, but Wally grabbed his arm. "I was confused, Dick. I didn't know what was going on. I thought I had ruined our friendship because of the way I felt. Please, just listen to me."

"Why should I? Have you listen to me at all recently? Do you pay attention to anything besides the parts you want? Have you not noticed me the last eight years? I thought I hadn't been obvious enough. I thought I'd lost you to Artemis. But now you come back, just when I think I've gotten over you, and you start spouting stuff like that? What am I supposed to listen to? Am I supposed to get my hopes up again? You keep doing this to me, Wally. Every single time. There's a reason I stopped listening."

"Dick, I'm sorry. I didn't know." "I guess I really wasn't obvious enough, huh?" Dick pulled on the rope, letting the sandbag on the other end pull him up into the air. He grabbed one of the large hoops the contortionist used, sitting in it. Thanks to the lights, Wally had trouble seeing them.

"Dick, I was the dumb one. I was too caught up in someone that wasn't right for me." "How do you know I'm right?" "Because I just know." "Like you knew that Artemis was right for you? Like you knew that M'gann was going to date you? You've been wrong before. Why is this time any different?" "Because I know more now. M'gann was the fantasy of a fifteen year old. Artemis was someone who I never felt safe to be myself around. I've never had those problems with you, Dick." "No. You just thought you hated me."

Wally waited until the hoop came back down to walk up to Dick again. "I never hated you, Dick. There was a feeling in my chest, like nothing I've ever felt before. It only happened when I came around you. I was scared of what it was." "And you took it out on me." "I never meant to hurt you." "Didn't seem that way."

Wally cupped Dick's face. "Then let me make it up to you." "One free punch?" "One free punch. Take a shot, I deserve it. Break a bone or two." Wally held his arms out, inviting Dick to hit him. "I won't break any bones. But I will give you a bruise." Dick said, cracking his knuckles.

Wally grunted as Dick fist came in contact with his chin. He flopped to the ground, groaning. "Yep. Really deserved that one." Dick chuckled, offering him a hand. "Get up here, loser." "Your loser." "Yeah, yeah. Just never do that to me again." "Promise. Hug?" Dick rolled his eyes, but pulled the speedster into a hug.

"So, does this make us boyfriends?" "Oh my…just shut up and enjoy the moment before I punch you again." "I love you, Dickie. I really do." "I love you too, Wally. No more chasing after girls." "Wouldn't even think about it."

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