This is not what I needed part 2

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Dick was in the cave with Wally, having just finished bathing the animals. Wally was still in the shower, getting his own bath of animal slobber. Dick had changed into comfortable clothes after his own shower, thankful Wally had been there. He'd felt the urge to rub his skin raw again, and Wally had helped him through that.

Dick sat in the computer chair, trying to think through this without crying. She knew where he was. After years of therapy just to make a dent in his PTSD, She was back to torment him. She knew his phone number, and most likely knew his apartment. She could hurt him again.

"You're scratching at your arm again." Wally said. He was dressed in pajamas, wrapping his arms around Dick's neck. "I was?" "You were. Thinking of Her?" "I try not to, but it always comes back. She did something to me, Walls. She violated me, my trust. You know how nervous I can be. It's all because of Her." "I know. And I promise, I will never let Her touch a hair on your head. She will never violate you again. Remember when you went for your first therapy, and the whole team was there to support you?" Wally asked gently.

Dick did remember it. The…the rape, had happened a few days before, and Dinah had a therapy session scheduled. Dick had been at the apartment, crying his eyes out and trying to get rid of Her hands. Wally only held his arms, not daring to touch Dick's torso or hips. He avoided Dick's hips at all costs. Any tiny touch could set Dick off, straight into a panic attack.

Wally had an arm wrapped around Dick's back, gently leading him through the mountain by holding his arms. The team had watched sadly, hating that their leader was reduced to such a state. They knew that the reason wasn't stupid, even though many people in the world claimed so. Men could get raped, and Nightwing had been a victim to that crime.

"I wish we could do something. It's not fair that he's the one suffering, and She isn't." Bart growled, his arms crossed and his hands gripping his biceps tightly. "The best thing we can do is give him his space. He doesn't want to be touched right now. He's only let Wally touch him, and he won't let him touch his torso. Arms are the only things he allows to be touched. Until he gets a little better, and is more comfortable allowing other people to touch him, leave him alone. If he tells you back off, back off immediately. That's not up for discussion." Artemis instructed.

Dinah had wanted Dick to do the first session alone, so Wally waited outside the office. He was really worried about Dick. He just wished this had never happened, that Dick was okay again. Wally sat in front of the door, waiting for Dick to reemerge. Maybe Wally could start holding Dick's hand again.

Artemis sat beside Wally, sighing softly. "How is he?" "Not good. He keeps saying he can feel Her hands still on him, and tries to scratch them away. I'm thinking that maybe, just for a little while, we go to the Manor. There's more peoe there, and his family is there. They might be able to help where I haven't." Wally admitted, leaning his head back to rest against the wall. "If you ever need anything, you know where to find me."

"Yeah. Hey, Artemis?" Artemis looked at Wally. "Do you ever miss what we had?" "Sometimes. Why?" "I'm just…curious. I would never give Dick up, never in a million years. But it just seems like your haven't tried to find anyone else." "I've been taking a break from dating. Giving myself time to do what I want to do. When I feel I'm ready, I'll start dating again." "I hope you find someone who makes you happy." "Me too."

They sat in silence after that. It had been hard at first, breaking up with Artemis, but now Wally saw it was for a better reason. He found Dick. And now Dick needed him more than ever. Wally would do whatever it took to make Dick better again.

Artemis was called away, promising to come visit Dick when he was better. Wally nodded, watching her walk off. She was happy, and Wally was happy with that. Now Wally had to work to make Dick happy again.

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