Avalanche! 2

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Dick cracked his eyes open, finding he was still in that empty cave. How long had it been? It couldn't have been long, since he was still in here. Maybe he was only out for a few seconds.

A shiver ran down his back, forcing his frozen muscles to jolt. Dick grimaced in pain, not wanting to go anywhere. Well, he wanted to go to bed, but that was it. It was then Dick heard it. The snow that was blocking him in was shifting. Maybe he was in some animal's den. That would suck.

Dick closed his eyes again. If he was going to be something's dinner, he'd rather be asleep for it. It's not like he could put up much of a fight, anyway. Oh well. At least he had a good run.

Dick kept going in and out of consciousness. At least, it felt that way. Some noise was drifting in and out, and Dick couldn't tell what it was. Maybe…a voice? He didn't know. All he knew was that he wasn't alone anymore.

Two things wrapped around him, pulling him against something warm. Dick nuzzled into it, hiding his face in the warmth. He was really cold, and he didn't like it. He couldn't feel his fingers, nor his legs. He was numb almost everywhere.

The sounds came back, jumbled and confusing. It didn't sound like any animal he knew. There seemed to be more than one of them, whatever they were. He was outnumbered, he could tell that.

Whatever was holding him started moving, bringing him closer to the cold. Dick shivered, leaning further into the warmth. Okay, maybe they were friendly. Maybe M'gann and the others had found him.

After being exposed to more cold, the air suddenly turned warm, and he was laid down. Based on the soft humming in the background, he could assume the bioship. It was one he knew by heart.

Dick managed to peel his eyes open, looking up at the small team surrounding him. Wally was the first one he looked at. How could he miss him? That hair could be seen from miles away. Nevertheless, Dick was happy to see his boyfriend.

The next was M'gann. She looked concerned, which he couldn't blame her for. He'd be worried too. After all, one of her teammates was frozen half to death, so it wasn't unreasonable. He just hoped he could escape the excessive motherly urge for the next few weeks.

Kaldur and Connor were carrying medical supplies, trying to busy themselves. Dick knew they calmed themselves by doing something, so they were probably worried as well. Artemis was standing next to M'gann, talking softly. Something about a…hyper thermos? Dick didn't know.

He drifted in and out of consciousness for a while. He woke up to someone playing with his hair once, and woke up to arms around his shoulders another time. It was all very strange to him.

When he woke up again, he was in his room at the mountain, bundled under blankets. There was something warm clinging to his hand, holding it tightly, as if he would just disappear. He wasn't complaining. His head still felt frozen.

"Dickie? Can you hear me?" Wally asked softly, cupping Dick's face and turning it towards him. "Walls?" Dick rasped. His voice wasn't very strong. "Yeah, it's me. How are you feeling?" "Numb. My head hurts."

Wally leaned down, gently kissing Dick's forehead. "Better?" "Not by much, but I appreciate the effort." "Whatever you need, Dickie bird. Whatever you need."

Once again, I'm sorry it's sucky. I've hit a really bad writer's block. It may be a while before I update again. I'll try to get one out as soon as I can.

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